First off-- if you are a regular, daily reader I apologize! I have been so busy making sure everything is ready for the baby that I haven't been able to keep up with blogging. Once everything settles down (potentially after this week haha), I will definitely get back into it! Priority-wise, however, I have to focus on finishing up items around the house and at school. I hope you all can understand and know that I will be back with (hopefully) daily blog posts soon!
How far along? 37 weeks 5 days
Size of baby: Winter melon (19-22 inches, 6.5 lbs)
Total weight gain: 23 lbs (I lost a couple pounds this week)
Maternity clothes: Yes-- and I have been so warm all this week! It doesn't help that all I want to wear are scarves! Yesterday, I actually think I overheated a little bit because of my scarf (the sacrifices we make haha). I had to take a break during my last class of the day because I was so warm and uncomfortable. Lesson learned :). I am also still wearing sandals (yes I know it's crazy!)-- but it helps to cool me off!
Sleep: Sleep hasn't been that great this week haha-- my back has been aching, baby has been moving A LOT, and I have had to go to the bathroom too much!
Best moment of the week: I had a doctors appointment Tuesday and everything is looking status quo! I am measuring where I should be and everything is on track :)
Oh and finishing my maternity leave sub plans was a pretty good moment too :) Planning 60 days of school work in a short amount of time was harder and more time consuming than I thought it would be. (And this is why teachers try to have their babies during the summertime haha).
Movement: Yes! All of the time AND especially late at night (2 AM or so). Let's hope the baby gets this out of his/her system ;)
Miss anything: Nothing really-- although I am having a hard time bending down to pick items up haha so I miss being able to do that.
Food cravings: A lot of sweet stuff lately (and then I have to balance it with something salty-- anyone else like that?)
Food aversions: No aversions still!
Symptoms I have: Constipation (I thought I was done with that haha), backaches, itchiness, and exhaustion...Gosh I sound so whiny! Overall I have felt pretty good-- I just have these few symptoms.
Gender Predictions: I'm still thinking a girl :)
Looking forward to: Relaxing this weekend! Oh and potentially setting up our Christmas tree! I know it's early but I feel like it might be a good idea to set it up early just in case!