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{Addison Lynne: 5 Months}

Friday, April 29, 2016

Before I start sharing about all the cute things that little miss has done this month, I probably should address why I have been so absent on here. I love blogging-- I love writing, sharing my thoughts/ideas, asking questions, reflecting-- all the things that blogging has to offer. Unfortunately, I am terrible at managing my time. I mean really bad. I thought I was good at this, until I started teaching and then I realized I start 50 things at once and get easily distracted. I have a hard time finishing something (Exhibit A: I will do laundry, but said clean laundry will stay in my laundry basket for about a week). I know that I can't "do it all" but I want to. Is that a bad thing? Well, yes. I don't like to ask for help. My sister stayed with me the week my husband was on a business trip, and I felt bad asking her to help me with chores. I feel like I should be the one doing everything-- isn't that what a "mom" is supposed to do? Am I whining and complaining? Yes- I  admit it. So why all of this talking around in a circle?  Because I feel like I need to explain myself-- I mean I guess I don't really have to explain myself. Most of you on here know what I'm talking about-- you are mothers and can understand where I am coming from. And trust me, this is all just superficial complaining, I am so thankful that I am this busy. That I have a beautiful little girl. I am so lucky to be in the place where I am in my life. And, in the next few months, I will be changing some things on here. I feel as though I have lost my focus/niche and so I am working on re-focusing the theme and message of my blog. Any suggestions/advice on this? Has anyone else tried to re-focus their blog? Make it more than what you set it out to be? 

Anyways, enough about that, onto the little one! 

She LOVES getting a bath- and has even started to strongly kick the water in the baby tub. Honestly, I think I am going to have to start putting her baby tub in the actual tub! The amount of water around the sink after her bath yesterday was crazy! She is also really starting to sit up in the tub-- her core is stronger than mine ;). 

She still loves to get her diaper changed-- she is so silly! She smiles the whole time! When she is fussy during the day, I usually try to change her diaper to see if that's what it is and usually afterwards she is her content self again! 

Her head control has gotten much better-- it still needs work-- but she is starting to enjoy tummy time now. She has rolled over twice (from her stomach to her back) and she is SO close to rolling over from her back to her front!! She is pretty proud of herself once she gets over, and so I think it's only about a matter of time before she can REALLY roll around! 

She loves sitting on people's lap and just looking out at everything. She is such an observer and honestly doesn't want to miss a thing. Sometimes it is hard for her to fall asleep/take a nap because she just wants to be a part of everything going on! I love that about her-- and I can only imagine how she will be as she gets older :)

She loves her playmate and the music in the playmat--- I have started to play her Children's Lullabies and she just listens to the songs so intently. 

She LOVES getting kisses from anyone and she LOVES giving kisses-- it truly makes her day! 

She still hasn't laughed really--- I just can't wait for it! I want her to laugh so badly-- but she isn't really ticklish like I am so it's making it hard. 

I have been putting it off-- but I really want to get her a jumper/ exersaucer. I think she would really like it and it would help her with her head control AND practicing standing. 

She still doesn't like the contact insertion or removal-- she is really starting to fight it! Her legs are strong and really push up against Jim while I am putting her contact in and it is hard! I don't even want to imagine what this process is going to look like when she is a toddler-- oy! 

The patch is really starting to bother her lately-- when it gets to be about 8 pm she is DONE with it. She starts to get really fussy and whiny, but as soon as we take the patch off she is a whole new woman. I instantly think of the song "A Whole New World" haha. She is so smart though--- she knows what the patch is all about. The tough part is that she has to have the patch on for at least 6 hours total-- and even if we put the patch on at 8 AM-- we have to make sure by the end of the day that she has been awake for 6 hours with the patch on. It is so hard-- I can't wait for this part to be over!! 

We also lost our first contact this month-- right after we got a new prescription. Of course haha. Oh and because it was a new prescription-- the doctor's office didn't have the extra in yet. So we have to wait a week for the new contact. We are using the old contact and it is not as good as the new contact (stronger prescription). I am bummed that we have to wait a week, but because they are custom made--it technically could have taken up to 3 weeks to come in. So-- we really can't complain. I think what I am most nervous about is that her progress will have stopped. I know a week doesn't seem like a long time-- but it is in terms of development. 

She is starting to teeth and she is not happy about it. We are using all of the tricks, but sometimes snuggles are the best remedy :) 

Little one has been sleeping fairly well-- she has only slept through the night about five times. But I honestly can't complain. I know that I will miss those 3 AM feedings and time with her. She is always so happy to see me when I go into her room. 

She is doing such a good job sleeping in her own crib-- but I miss her so much at night! Anyone else feel like this?!

I don't really track her naps right now (I feel like this is a bad thing haha)-- but what I do know is that if she doesn't get enough naps in, she sleeps horribly!! So-- even though I want to keep her up during the day (especially when I am on vacation), I know that she needs them! 

 She has been eating better lately-- she takes a bottle really well now (thankfully!). After her hunger strike, it took us a while to find a bottle she would like. We finally settled on Tommee Tippee (after trying about six different types of bottles)-- and we have never turned back. I have also started supplementing my breastmilk with formula and she doesn't really seem to mind. We have an appointment next week to check her weight (it wasn't really on the chart last month) so fingers crossed that everything goes well. She is a tiny baby-- but so was I. When I was little, doctors actually thought I had some type of condition (they even checked for cystic fibrosis) because I was so small. All major tests came back negative and the doctors  just came to the conclusion that I was going to be small. And when my younger sisters weren't on the "chart" or were smaller than they should have been-- the doctors didn't worry because of me haha. So-- I'll let you know how the appointment goes! 

Addison is such a fun and cute baby! She loves to interact with people and although she loves her playmat and her swing-- she enjoys interacting with people more haha. She is starting to grasp objects and really look at them- and it is so cute! I also love it when she finds her hands haha-- it is hysterical-- she is so mesmerized by them. 

She is also starting to hold objects, like her teething rings, and it is precious. She works so hard to hold them and bring them to her mouth. I love the focus she has already haha. 

Firsts/ Major Changes
She rolled over for the first time last weekend! We are hoping she decides to do it again haha-- she is a stubborn little one and definitely goes at her own pace haha. 

She is sitting up pretty well in the bumbo (although she does like to "fold" down when she is tired haha) and in my mom's exersaucer. 

She finally slept through the night a couple days this week (yay!!) so hopefully that becomes the norm for her haha. 

She is starting to really blow bubbles-- and although she isn't quite laughing yet-- I will take the bubbles for now. She is so cute when she does it. 

She sticks out her tongue ALL the time now haha-- there are hardly any pictures without her sticking her tongue out. She is like a little dog haha. 

She loves sleeping on her side now-- which I am actually happy about. Maybe her bald spot in the back of her head will go away soon :)

She loves to sing along to the radio-- and she definitely takes after my husband ;) her voice is pretty good. 

I think that's all for now-- currently I have a few errands to run and a lunch to head out to-- it's a girls lunch (with babies) haha can't get much better than that! 

I have missed you all. I really have. And this time, I will not make any promises for when I'll be back online. Just know that I will be back soon!