- In case you missed my big announcement Friday (you can find that post here), my husband and I are expecting our first child in December! We are so excited/nervous/overjoyed/stressed/scared/and blissfully happy. I told my high school students Friday, and they were surprised and happy for me. I told two of my classes through a jeopardy question ( I asked them what I should name the baby)- and some thought it was a joke! I had to quickly tell them it was not a joke so they could answer the question in time. I know it was cheesy, but they have been there with me for almost 4 months of this pregnancy, so I felt like they deserved to know. I have had a few emotional/tough days at school and I think some of them now understand why. My last class of the day had a bonus question asking them what I should name my baby, and they were so excited! One of my students came up with probably about 20 girl names and 20 boy names-- it was so cute!
- Friday night, after all of that excitement, all I wanted was pizza, ice cream, a movie, and to relax (AKA grade massive amounts of work).
- Saturday morning/early afternoon, I attended my school's graduation. It was a gorgeous day (although I did burn-- I now have an odd burn line-- I clearly missed some spots). It was so bittersweet to see those students graduate-- I remembered them as Freshmen and Sophomores-- they seemed so young! I am so lucky that I get the opportunity to watch and observe the students as they mature into young adults-- there really isn't anything else like it.
- After the graduation, I came back home and was resolved to clean all the floors and bathrooms in our house and dust every room. What was I thinking?! Three hours later.....everything was cleaned! It felt so good to be done!
- After my cleaning spree, I took a nice 2 mile walk around our neighborhood. I am trying to be as active as possible during this pregnancy-- it actually gives me so much more energy. I found that last week, I wasn't able to walk every day and I felt tired and run down. Therefore, I am making a strong effort to walk at least 5 days a week.
- Saturday night, I graded and planned some more (I am so ready to be done with school!)
- After church, Jim and I drove to Newburyport, MA to enjoy the beautiful afternoon along the Massachusetts coastline. Newburyport is a quaint, New England, port town filled with shopping, food, and most importantly, the ocean. I love the beach-- especially beaches in New England. I love the crisp, cool water, the salty refreshing breeze, and the feeling of total peace I have whenever I am there. Jim and I wanted to spend some quality time together just the two of us. It has been so busy these last few weeks, that we really wanted to just relax and wind down. I wish I had taken pictures, but I was too busy taking in the scenery and truly enjoying everything. I should also mention that my husband is not a huge fan of the beach haha-- true love is driving an hour for your wife to enjoy the beauty of the seaside :)
- When we returned, I resolved to finishing up preparing for the week, getting massive amounts of laundry done, finalizing my study guides/ finals, and making sure everything was all set school wise for the rest of the year.
I hope you all had a great weekend :) Just five days away from another weekend ;)
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