How far along? 26 weeks 5 days
Size of baby: A turnip (9.2 in, 2 lbs)
Total weight gain: About 17 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Aside from a few dresses and some shirts, I am in full maternity gear. Since being back at school, however, I have found that I may need more versatile pieces in the coming months. I have a few pairs of pants/jeans to wear, but I am lacking in the shirt department. The problem is-- I don't want to spend a lot of money purchasing these items. I will hopefully use them again in the future, but I don't want to go overboard with my shopping. Any tips/suggestions for this new mom to be? I have tried places like Motherhood and Gap, but they seem to be a bit pricey. I tried on a few items at Target and Kohls, but nothing really fit properly at either of these stores. I do have a quite a few pieces from Old Navy (always seems to be the store that fits me the best haha), but again, I want to try to keep costs down.
Sleep: I have been really tired lately which could be due to a few things: getting back into the teaching routine, the extremely hot days around here (90 degree weather in a school with no air conditioning (aside from the main office, library and computer room) can be tough, and the fact that I have put on a little too much weight. I have been sleeping okay-- the baby can be very active at night, which is amazing :) but at the same time, I am trying to sleep haha. I know this is foreshadowing.....;)
Best moment of the week: Getting to hear the baby's heart rate at the doctors office Tuesday :) It honestly never gets old.
Movement: Yes! So much so that the baby actually woke my husband up one night! Although I felt bad he was awoken, I love that he gets to feel the baby move. I think my husband also loves that he can feel the baby move. A few nights this week, he would place his hand my stomach and gently press down in certain areas to see if the baby would react to the movement-- and the baby did!
Miss anything: I am starting to miss some of my flexibility! I am trying to continue with the yoga and barre DVDs to keep this loss at bay!
Food cravings: Carbohydrates-- I am trying to focus on eating primarily fruits and vegetables and whole grains for my carbohydrates. However, I can't lie, sometimes cheese-its, pretzels or even ice cream is what I crave and eat.
Food aversions: Still nothing-- I have been really really lucky!
Symptoms I have: A little bit of bloating and tingling in my hands and feet. I got a few headaches this week, so I am really focusing on keeping hydrated.
Gender Predictions: Girl :)
I also have to give a special shout-out to my husband and my family. I have been feeling down a little bit about my weight gain (I am on the higher side of weight gain for my BMI). I am trying to eat right, exercise, but also not deprive myself of nutrients. However, I still seem to be gaining a little bit more than recommended. Having the support of my family, but most importantly my husband has meant so much to me. I have to remember that there is a reason and purpose for the changes going on-- and my husband constantly reminds me of this. Thank you and I love you.
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