How far along? 34 weeks 5 days
Size of baby: Pineapple/Butternut Squash (19-22 in, 4.9 lbs)
Total weight gain: 23 lbs....
Maternity clothes: I am all about comfort, warmth, but also dressing in layers. The mornings are cold, but by the the afternoon, my classroom warms up a lot! Therefore, it is necessary for me to dress in multiple layers!
Sleep: Well...I have been sleeping okay. I wake up multiple times are night still, and unfortunately my husband it battling a cold. It is not his fault-- but he has been snoring A LOT lately haha-- and I tried earplugs and they just didn't work!
Best moment of the week: Seeing the crib all set up!
Movement: Yes :)
Miss anything: I miss being able to easily tie my shoes and shave haha. These were the things I was warned about and just laughed it off.
Food cravings: Just food in general now haha.
Food aversions: Nope!
Symptoms I have: Bloating, sore back, tightening in my stomach, sore feet, and just general uncomfortableness. So this is what they were talking about in terms of third trimester......haha
Gender Predictions: I'm still thinking a girl :)