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Show and Tell Tuesdays: First-Time Momfessional Moments

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

I know, I know. Today was supposed to be my post about registry basics (purely my opinion and what has worked for us so far haha), but life happened. Addison has a congenital cataract in her left eye (she will have surgery February 5th), and last week her eyes starting moving up and down very quickly sporadically. Sunday night into Monday morning, she started doing this more frequently and I got really nervous. Her pediatrician had us come in and right now she is leaning towards a condition called nystagmus, which is common among children with cataracts. She does not believe that the movement is associated with seizures. After her appointment, I just didn't have the energy or the time to finish my post. I didn't want to rush writing it because I don't like to half-**** things (pardon my language haha-- I honestly tried to find a better way to write that sentence but I couldn't :)). I PROMISE it will be written and posted by Thursday the latest!!! ( I have to give myself a deadline). 

So....instead...I am linking up with Andrea from  Momfessionals for her Show and Tell Tuesdays. Now, last year I wasn't able to link up for this but I LOVED reading all of them! This year, I can participate and I have had so many moments so far and Addison is only 2 months old! I can't imagine what moments I will have to share next year and the year after that haha. 

I think it goes without saying that us moms are hard on ourselves-- I know I am SO hard on myself. I am always wondering if I am making the right decision. Should I pick her up? Should I let her cry it out? Should I start bottle feeding more? Should I breastfeed longer? How many outfits do I pack just in case? Should I bathe her everyday? Should I take her to the grocery store- or have someone watch her? Should we transfer to her crib? Do we wait to move her out of our room? It is constant! I know most of these things we will just have to try and figure out on our own-- Addison runs the show of course hhaha. 

Even though I am new at this whole mom thing, here are some momfessional (albeit funny) moments so far: 

1. I do not like to change diapers: My husband knows this and thankfully changes her diaper A LOT when he is home/ we are all together. Honestly, it's not the smell (yet haha)-- it is the fact that at any moment, while changing her, she could have an explosion haha. Or that while changing her, she could explode outwards towards me or the furniture haha-- I just don't like it. Since she has had MOST of her blow-outs with me-- it is a legitimate fear haha. 

2. I have not finished Addison's nursery: Yes-- you read that correctly. Addison is 8 weeks old, and her nursery is not finished. It is close-- so so close! I just haven't had time/energy/motivation to finish it. To be honest, I am okay with that. She is not sleeping in there yet-- so we have time to decorate and finish. 
Here is the product so far: 

Yes- that is my little one getting restless in her Rock-in-Play haha. 

3. Sometimes when I come home from errands, I leave Addison in her carseat so I can get stuff done. Who hasn't done this? I mean-- she is so peaceful in that carseat when we come home. I rush around like a mad woman trying to get dinner started, get some cleaning done, and organize papers and bills. Once I start to take her out of the carseat-- all bets are off haha-- she typically awakens right away. 

4. There have been multiple times where I have not showered/shampooed my hair for a few days. I KNOW many are guilty of this-- but sometimes it takes so much effort to shower and get ready for the day. If it's a day that I am just staying at home, you can bet I probably won't shower that day haha. Thank goodness for dry shampoo.  

5. I have placed Addison next to me in bed in the morning just so that I could get more sleep (safely of course). There have been a few sleepless nights where I just need to rest in the morning. I have a hard time napping (I always have-- even in college), so sleep is precious to me haha. 

6. Addison mostly wears footie pajamas because they are easier to put on and off. There are so many cute outfits out there, and I have put her in a few (or tried to haha), but my absolutely favorite is  to just put her in a footie pajama outfit. They are easy to put on, take off, and it is just one piece of clothing instead of multiple. Don't worry-- I think I will be over this aspect soon haha. 

I am sure there are others at there, but currently I have a baby somewhat content in her baby swing so I have to get stuff done while I can around the house! 

Can't wait to read everyone's confessions! 


  1. The footie pajamas-with all the buttons are the best- especially when they have a blowout.. Once when my little girl was very small, she had a blowout, and she had a onesie on. the blowout was up the FRONT!!! How in the world are you supposed to get that off with it getting everything in their face-- I seriously just CUT it off of her. (this was BEFORE I learned the arm/shoulder things are supposed to help you remove the onesie.. Mom fail!! But hey, she had a million onesies--I didn't lose any sleep over throwing that one out!

    1. Oh my gosh that is too funny! I learned about the arm/shoulder thing a few weeks after she was born-- seriously why didn't anyone tell me about that earlier?! So true--- she has COUNTLESS onesies (all white though-- seriously who decided that all white onesies were always the best haha). Thanks of reading!

  2. Replies
    1. I feel like everyone is with me on #3! Thank goodness :) Thanks for reading :)
