Hello all! We finally had school today! And while I love having snow days, I always have to remember that we do make them up.....in June.....usually during really nice weather. I hear more snow is headed our way for tomorrow and then again on Monday-- I actually thought we were starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe the tunnel is further away than I previously thought.
Image Courtesy of Supertrooper at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Regardless, this post is about a handful of people that I met on eHarmony and actually met up with in person. There is a difference. For those of you who aren't as familiar with eHarmony (or any of those sites for that matter), it is good to point out that there are multiple ways that you can communicate to your matches. Usually the first way is by sending the person (if you are interested in them as a match), three or so questions. These questions are multiple choice, and it is just a good, very brief way to get to know someone. You might find out about things such as: what their favorite type of date is, if they are looking for something serious or not, their general likes or dislikes, those kinds of things. Typically after responding to those questions, your match will send you back either the same questions (to see what your answers are) or three different questions. After that initial communication piece, you can then decide to skip to eHarmony mail (not your personal email yet), or you can have them answer a few open ended questions/short answer questions. eHarmony has a great bank of questions, but you are also free to come up with your own. After that type of communication, if you are still interested, you can exchange eHarmony email with each other, which is protected on the site. Many people have asked me if I was always the one to send questions first, or if I waited for people to contact me. I would have to say it depended on the person. If I was really interested, I sent the questions first. If I was unsure, I typically left it up to the other person. I got matched and starting talking with A LOT of people-- as I said before, that's the beauty of eHarmony. You never felt as though there weren't enough people on the site. And if I had someone who moved on from me, I wasn't too upset about it, because I always knew I was getting new matches.
Image Courtesy of Feelart at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
So I suppose I should start writing about my matches. I wish I could tell you about all of them (so many crazy stories), but I will talk about some of them, the ones that stuck out in my mind. They may not be in chronological order either-- I have a hard time remembering when I actually dated all these guys (to be fair-- I knew right away when I met my husband that he was the one-- and so all of the others quickly faded out of my memory). So to keep everything private, each match will have a nickname. And here it goes.....
One of the first guys I was set up with, we will call him "Bull Run" (the name of the restaurant we went to) , I started talking to right after Christmas. "BR" and I had a lot in common, and right away it was so easy for me to talk to him. We had long email exchanges to each other, had similar values, both had successful jobs, and both cared about our families. I really enjoyed talking to him, and I was excited when he asked me to meet up with him at restaurant not too far from where we both lived. When we got there, I was so nervous-- I didn't know what to do. I felt like I knew him, but I had never actually met him before. Do we hug? Shake hands? I actually don't remember what we ended up doing, but I remember that the conversation face-to-face was blah. It wasn't exciting, I kept looking at the clock, and we only got drinks-- diet coke (like really? ugh). When we left, I asked him if he was interested in going on another date (I figured-- maybe he was nervous and that's why he seemed so boring?), and he said he would. He also mentioned to me that he was just kind of "seeing what this whole thing was like," and that it probably prepared him for other dates. Excuse me? I was a practice run? The nerve! You would think that after that I would have kicked him to the non-existent curb. But, no I didn't. Because he sent me a message later on that he wanted to go on another date. I thought, okay, maybe he was nervous and realized that he came across as arrogant. We did go on another date, bowling to be specific, but again, no spark. Nothing. No excitement, no laughter, just forced. While on paper we were a "perfect" match, face-to-face we were most certainly not. And that was the end of "BR." Nice enough guy, but just not quite the right one for me.
The next guy, "Awww B" (because my sister Jocelyn loved this guy-- keep in mind she never actually met him), was a mid-west transfer living in New England. He was trying to meet people and make friends in the area, and happened to stumble upon eHarmony. Again, such a nice guy, thoughtful, attentive, and had a great sense of humor. He would email me regularly, and always let me know that he was thinking about me. We went on our first date, and I felt so comfortable! I really enjoyed myself, and I had a great time with him. We went on two more dates, and on the third date, he told me that he wanted to be exclusive. I froze. I didn't know what to say. In this instance, my head and my heart were actually at the same place. I wasn't ready. I enjoyed the dating aspect, getting to meet new people, getting to go on dates again, but I was in no way ready for a relationship. I didn't want to lead "Awww B" on, and even though I did sign up for eHarmony to find someone with whom I could be in a committed relationship with and potentially love, I couldn't deny my feelings that I wasn't quite at the same place he was. He told me he understood, but that he would have to move on because he didn't want to just keep going on dates. He wanted a relationship. Of course I understood, but that was a really difficult decision for me. For his sake, I truly hope he has found someone special, because he is such a great guy.
There were a lot of one date wonders in there as well. I won't give them nicknames, because well, they didn't last long! One of my dates, showed up to our date one hour early just to make sure that we got a spot at a local coffee shop (what the what?!!). Earlier that day, I was going through his pictures on eHarmony (probably with my mom and my sisters) trying to figure out if I found him attractive. I remember thinking "oh he looks good there," "ohhhhh not so good," "oh not bad," "wow...okay...not what I thought he looked like." The kid had like twenty pictures and he looked different in every single one of them! Now I am not saying that I am that shallow (well....I hope I'm not), but if you are on eHarmony-- put up honest pictures of yourself! If someone likes you enough, they are going to want to meet you, and if you don't look like your pictures, that is just not a good thing! Trust me! It kind of freaks us out if we can't match you to any picture that you have posted on your profile. Well, when I got to the coffee shop, he met me at the door, and let's just say, I was taller than him. I am 5 ft 1......so ya that wasn't a very good start. One un-named rule I gave myself was to always give the date a chance. I usually would set aside about 2 hours for the date, just so I would feel as though I tried. I hardly lasted 1 hour with that guy. He was a little out there. Then there was a date at Starbucks, that I thought went well, but I never heard from him again! Nothing! Which you should know is not uncommon. Not every person you meet up with has to formally "break up" with you. Such a weird concept. Then there was a guy who road the Pan Mass Challenge every year, who was too into himself during that date to notice I was there. He asked me zero questions, and I don't even think I was given the chance to talk. And then he messaged me later in the week asking if I wanted to see him again---- ahh no thanks. I like to talk. Sorry. Then there was the guy I met up with at a very cool coffee shop, who I think was either in love with his roommate or still in love with his girlfriend. But was definitely not interested. And yes, you will get those kind of guys too. The last one date wonder was an engineer. I typically don't like to stereotype, but in this case, when you think of an engineer, his head should pop up. It wasn't that he was "boring," but he had a difficult time talking to me. I know it sounds weird, but I don't think he was nervous, as much as worried that he would have to talk to me. In this case, I did want someone to share the conversation with. I was actually interested in hearing what he had to say, but he had such a difficult time, that I just moved on after that date. Again, he tried to contact me, but I was thinking to myself-- "He thought it went well? He needs to re-think that."
Image courtesy of SweetCrisis at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
At the same time I got matched with my now husband, I got matched with a guy whom we shall call "Mini Coop." He was smart, a little nerdy, very responsive, and very much into video games. Our first date was to dinner, and I really enjoyed his company. He had a dry sense of humor, which I definitely have, and many of the shows and movies I like, he also liked. I didn't feel like I "needed" to look at my phone or the clock, and the conversation was pleasant. He asked about my job and family, and he was very open about his family. The end of the date, I was actually interested in seeing him again. Our second date was at the movies, which is so non-threatening. After the movie, I actually had to get home and pack for my vacation, so it didn't leave us much time to talk. We did talk over my vacation, but at the same time, I started talking to someone named Jim (my future husband). I was the first to initiate conversation with Jim, and I thought he was so handsome, too handsome, to respond to me. When he did, I was so nervous! I didn't want to send anything wrong, or make a fool of myself. More so than any other match, I actually waited for his responses. Every day on vacation, I would check my phone to see if he had sent me a message in the morning (he always did), and I would quickly send a response back. I would then see if he responded to me in the afternoon, and he always did. I got giddy thinking about him, and I think my family could sense a change in my demeanor. All of the other matches were great, but this was the first one that I actually cared about. After about two weeks of communication through emails, we finally decided to go on a date.
But what about "Mini Coop?" Well, since Jim and I hadn't formally met face to face, I was still communicating with "Mini Coop." The final straw happened before our last date. We were supposed to go to a local AAA baseball game (and I loved that date idea), but the day before the date, "Mini Coop" send me a message saying that his actual mini cooper was in the shop. He didn't have a car, and asked if I would mind picking him up at his house. First of all, I hate driving. What I hate even more, is driving other people. And I barely knew him!?!! That was it for me-- I was so annoyed. And at the same time that I was feeling frustrated and annoyed, I was realizing that I really liked Jim. Really liked him. I now had a perfectly good reason to stop seeing "Mini Coop." Since I felt as though he deserved ONE more chance, I picked up "Mini Coop", and we went to the game. After the game he asked if I wanted to get a drink or food with him, and I said no. I dropped him back at his place (which was a townhouse that looked like it belonged in a community for people 55+), and that was that. He did email me a few days later asking what I wanted our next date to be-- I thought I was clear that I wasn't interested but I digress-- and I had to formally break up with him.
So what about Jim? What was our first date like? What was our relationship like starting out?
Guess you will just have to keep reading ;)