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Thoughts for Thursday

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Hello everyone :) I am sorry I have been MIA a little bit this week. I am battling an awful cold (yes in April..ugh) and I have been exhausted. It has been 5 days, and I am hoping (fingers crossed) that I am seeing the end of it soon. I told my students today that I didn't have time to be sick! And sometimes, I feel like I don't. To be honest, I probably should have taken a sick day, but tomorrow's Friday so that keeps me going! 

Enough complaining on my end... today I am linking up with Home of Malones and East Coast Chic for Thoughts for Thursday. 

Thoughts for Thursday

  • I am so READY for warm weather and baseball season. I absolutely love baseball-- particularly the Red Sox. And yes, I love them even when they aren't doing so great haha. Spring in the Boston area can be a hit or miss (a miss right now-- we had snow last night), but when it's warm and sunny there is nothing like it. It just instantly makes me think of baseball. 
  • I am obsessed with Married at 1st Sight. What an interesting, and very scary concept! In this show, couples meet the day of their wedding. They are married for 6 weeks, and at the end of the 6 weeks they have to decide whether or not they will stay married. Their 6 week journey is documented, and their interactions are very intriguing to watch. 
  • My husband showed me the following video and I absolutely love the sound! If you are familiar with American Idol, you might recognize Casey and Haley! 

  • We are two short weeks away from our April vacation, and our honeymoon! I can't wait! :) 
  • I can't wait to start planning our kitchen re-model. We aren't doing anything dramatic per say. We are lucky in that the changes we are making are cosmetic. Regardless, I can't wait to document the transformation. 
That's it on my end :) Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday, am I right? 

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