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Weekending.... A Tad Late ;)

Monday, April 6, 2015

So I am going to blame this sickness that I have had for the past two weeks on why I am so late on this post! I am sorry everyone :)! I am linking up with Champagne and Suburbs and B Loved Boston for Weekending....

  • After a very lonnggg week, I was just glad to get home Friday by 3 pm and put my pajamas on. Honestly, is there a better Friday afternoon?! I think not haha. Friday night was spent RELAXING and literally not doing anything but eating and watching movies. Probably my favorite type of Friday night. 

  • Saturday was spent running errands in the morning/early afternoon and also heading to our favorite place for lunch (Bedford Village Inn). The BVI is also where my husband and I had our wedding reception, so it will always be one of our favorite places. 
  • Saturday night was spent celebrating my dad and my cousin's confirmation into our faith. Although the mass is long (about two and a half hours) it is such a peaceful and enjoyable Easter mass. While I love Easter Sunday with its jubilation and excitement, there is truly something special about the Easter Vigil. 

  • Easter Sunday was spent finding eggs at my parents house. My uncle has hid eggs for us as long as I can remember, and I just don't think he can let it go yet! Even though we are all older, he still finds so much happiness and joy in hiding the eggs for us-- and you know what-- I'll take it. Free candy? Umm sure I will search for eggs for candy haha. 
  • We then went to my grandparents house for linner (what we like to call a mix between lunch and dinner). Sunday night, Jim and I  hunkered down at home for the rest of the night and just watched T.V. 

All in all, not a bad weekend! Are you all ready for the week?! I'm still not sure that I am haha. Until next time! 

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