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Sunday, November 29, 2015

So..this week was supposed to be my Week 38 update! I was two weeks away from my due date, feeling pretty good, and ready to finish out the last few days at school. I was planning on getting through at least Monday and Tuesday of school Thanksgiving Week (my longterm substitute was going to shadow me those two days), but the baby had other plans :) 

I plan on sharing the birth story this week, but for now, I am so happy/overjoyed/blessed to introduce the newest member of our family: 

Addison Lynne
Born: November 23, 2015 at 4:54 p.m.
Weight: 6 lbs 6.5 oz
Length: 19 1/2 in

We are so in love with our precious little girl ❤️

Pregnancy Update...Week so close!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

First off-- if you are a regular, daily reader I apologize! I have been so busy making sure everything is ready for the baby that I haven't been able to keep up with blogging. Once everything settles down (potentially after this week haha), I will definitely get back into it! Priority-wise, however, I have to focus on finishing up items around the house and at school. I hope you all can understand and know that I will be back with (hopefully) daily blog posts soon! 

How far along? 37 weeks 5 days 

Size of baby: Winter melon (19-22 inches, 6.5 lbs)

Total weight gain:  23 lbs (I lost a couple pounds this week)

Maternity clothes: Yes-- and I have been so warm all this week! It doesn't help that all I want to wear are scarves! Yesterday, I actually think I overheated a little bit because of my scarf (the sacrifices we make haha). I had to take a break during my last class of the day because I was so warm and uncomfortable. Lesson learned :). I am also still wearing sandals (yes I know it's crazy!)-- but it helps to cool me off! 

Sleep:  Sleep hasn't been that great this week haha-- my back has been aching, baby has been moving A LOT, and I have had to go to the bathroom too much! 

Best moment of the week:  I had a doctors appointment Tuesday and everything is looking status quo! I am measuring where I should be and everything is on track :)  

Oh and finishing my maternity leave sub plans was a pretty good moment too :) Planning 60 days of school work in a short amount of time was harder and more time consuming than I thought it would be. (And this is why teachers try to have their babies during the summertime haha). 

Movement:  Yes!  All of the time AND especially late at night (2 AM or so). Let's hope the baby gets this out of his/her system ;) 

Miss anything: Nothing really-- although I am having a hard time bending down to pick items up haha so I miss being able to do that.  

Food cravings:  A lot of sweet stuff lately (and then I have to balance it with something salty-- anyone else like that?)

Food aversions:  No aversions still!

Symptoms I have:   Constipation (I thought I was done with that haha), backaches, itchiness, and exhaustion...Gosh I sound so whiny! Overall I have felt pretty good-- I just have these few symptoms. 

Gender Predictions: I'm still thinking a girl :)

Looking forward to:  Relaxing this weekend! Oh and potentially setting up our Christmas tree! I know it's early but I feel like it might be a good idea to set it up early just in case! 

Pregnancy Update Week 36!!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

How far along? 36 weeks 5 days 

Size of baby: Large cantaloupe/ honeydew melon (19-22 inches, 6 lbs)

Total weight gain:  25 lbs.... 

Maternity clothes: Yes-- although I have worn a few pre-pregnancy items this week at home (I need to do laundry haha). Let's just say my leggings definitely fit more comfortably when I don't have a huge belly haha. 
Sleep: Depends on the night haha- some nights I wake up four times to go to the bathroom. But then there are nights when I only wake up once.  

Best moment of the week:  I went to the doctors this week and the baby is measuring great and everything is right on schedule! I still think that I will have this baby early, but it's good to know that everything is going as planned. 

Movement:  Yes-- especially after I eat haha. My husband also did the flashlight trick this week where he held his phone flashlight to my belly and the baby moved in response to it. It was so cool! 

Miss anything:  I miss being able to put on my shoes and being able to easily pick items up haha. I also miss being able to sit comfortably-- it seems that no matter what position I am in, I am slightly uncomfortable haha. 

Food cravings:  Just food in general-- and I can't get enough water. I am thirsty ALL OF THE TIME! 

Food aversions: I have had no food aversions thus far! 

Symptoms I have:  Sore feet, bloated ankles, feeling uncomfortable, and some cramping still. 

Gender Predictions: I'm still thinking a girl :)

Looking forward to:  Finishing getting items ready-- I did a whole lot of sterilizing this week and I need to finish my Thank You cards!!! 

Pregnancy Update....Week 35 :)

Thursday, November 5, 2015

How far along? 35 weeks 5 days 

Size of baby: Canary melon? haha had to look that one up/Coconut (19-22 inches and 5.5 lbs )

Total weight gain:  24 lbs.... 

Maternity clothes: It has been unseasonably warm around here (60s/70s) -- which has actually been a good thing! I have been able to wear a lot of my summer/early Fall maternity clothes. However, I feel huge no matter what I am wearing right now. And obviously people are commenting-- I thought I would become desensitized by it. Haha-- apparently not.  
Sleep:  I have been sleeping fairly well-- could be better-- could be worse. 

Best moment of the week:  When my husband felt the baby move multiple times during the night-- it is crazy that the movement is so strong! 

Movement:  Yes-- all of the time! :) 

Miss anything:  Although I have absolutely LOVED being pregnant (I really have had such a great experience)-- I do miss feeling "normal." It's hard to put on clothes, pick items up, sit for long periods of time, stand long periods of time, sleep in a comfortable position. I could go on haha. 

Food cravings:  I just find myself constantly hungry-- I thought this was supposed to go away? Because my belly is getting too large and my stomach would feel "fuller" more quickly? Ha ha ha-- lies!!!!

Food aversions: Nope! 

Symptoms I have:  Sore feet, feeling uncomfortable, and some cramping still. 

Gender Predictions: I'm still thinking a girl :)

Looking forward to:  Finishing my Thank You cards! 

Weekending...Beginning of November Edition!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Happy Monday everyone :) I am linking up with B Loved Boston and Champagne and Suburbs for Weekending... 

Well it has been a busy weekend! I feel as though all of our weekends will be busy until the baby comes. I KNOW our weekends will be even more busy after the baby comes haha but we will be busy for a very good reason haha. I am also trying to keep up with normal planning for school and starting to plan for my maternity leave so insert stress emoji. Enough of my complaining-- onto the the weekend re-cap! 

Friday afternoon all I wanted to do was de-stress. What better way to do that than to visit the outlets and buy baby clothes? What was even better? Both stores I went into were having major sales! How perfect was that?! 

Here are a few items that I just "had" to get! I refrained from buying anything Christmas because we don't know if we are having a boy or a girl. You can bet that once the baby is born, I will be purchasing a Christmas outfit! 

via // via  //  via // via // via // via 


Saturday was spent doing normal chores/errands and a LOT of grading! 
Saturday night, I passed out candy to the adorable trick or treaters in our neighborhood, and we had my sister Nicole over for dinner and a movie. We watched "Inside Out" which is such a cute movie! If you haven't seen it-- you must! 


Most of Sunday was spent at a cheerleading competition for my sister Nicole (and my sister Elizabeth is one of the head coaches). Their team did amazing and came in third out of eleven teams! 
Sunday afternoon was spent at my grandmothers house just relaxing, watching football, and getting to spend time with my family. By Sunday night, I was exhausted and went to bed early to get ready for another week! 

On the docket this week: working on my maternity leave plans, finalizing my grades, and hopefully writing my Thank You cards for my bridal shower. 

Another busy week ahead....Have a great day everyone!