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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Okay so I lied. I thought I was going to be able to write this post Friday, and well, I didn't. Life happened :) But now that it is Sunday night, I wanted to make sure I wrote this post before I forgot the details (even though it was just last weekend).

After we were situated in our room, a LNA came to visit us and asked us a variety of questions about Addison. She did a basic exam, and told us we would be visited by the nurse and doctor soon. Our night nurse came in and asked us similar questions, put a security band on Addison (they call it the baby LoJack), and made sure we were comfortable. We were first visited by the pediatric resident who asked us more specific questions about the eye fluttering, her cataract and general behavior. She didn't seem to think that the eye fluttering was indicative of seizures (thank goodness) or major brain issues-- she thought it was just typical newborn focusing issues. However, because of her cataract, they wanted to investigate it further. We then were visited by neurologist (who DID not have very good bedside manner) who said it could be nothing or could be a tumor or something to that affect, and therefore thought we should get an MRI but also wanted her hooked up to an electroencephalogram (EEG) to monitor brain activity, specifically checking for seizures. I am not going to lie-- the neurologist kind of freaked me out when he started spitting out words like "tumor." How can you not?! Regardless, I knew that it was important to get as much testing done so that we could really determine what was causing the fluttering.

Once all of the doctors left, we realized that we were unable to get our stuff from the car. The main door closes at 8 pm and the only way to get back inside the hospital would be through the ER on the other side! We only had Addison's diaper bag-- and even that didn't have extra clothes haha. We were in for a long night anyway haha- no time for looking good :).

Around 10 PM, the EEG technician came into our room to place about 25 electrodes on Addison's head. It took about an hour, and the whole time Addison was so good! The technician said usually babies and young children are his hardest patients, but was really impressed with Addison. I think she enjoyed him placing them on her head haha. It wasn't until he wrapped her head in gauze that she decided it wasn't the greatest idea. The poor thing- she had all of these electrodes on her head, chest clips, and was  attached to a heart rate/oxygen monitor AND to an EEG computer. Each time Addison fluttered (while we were awake) we had to click a button on the EEG machine so they could observe what her brain activity was at the time.

It was so challenging to move Addison around the room, so I found myself feeding her standing up. It was a rough night. I maybe got about 2 hours of sleep because I was just so worried about her. She was so good though-- she slept great, ate great and was her normal self.

Saturday morning, we were notified that they were trying to get Addison in for an MRI but we were told that the schedule was a little tight.  They are trying to fit her in- but they weren't sure if they were going to be able to that day. In addition, the head doctor came in and examined Addison and told us that they would also be doing some blood work to make sure that her thyroid levels were normal. There have been some cases where babies/children/adults have eye/vision problems with abnormal thyroid levels.

We didn't know what time she would be having the MRI, but we knew that they wanted to do it without sedating her or giving her any medication. I was slightly worried about how she would do with the MRI, and I had reason to be! The medical transporter came in around 11 (while Addison was sleeping) and unfortunately in the scuffle of trying to get her ready for the MRI, she woke up. Now Addison had just eaten, was sleeping and had been extremely content. When she gets woken up, she is generally not a happy camper! It usually takes a little while for her calm down again, and so I was starting to worry. She started crying, and I wasn't even given time to calm her down. The nurse tried to tell me over the crying to try to feed her once I got to the MRI area. My husband stayed in the room, and I traveled with Addison. She screamed the entire time. For safety and legal reasons, the transporter had to push her in the hospital crib so I wasn't able to pick her up until we got to the waiting area. Unfortunately, the poor little one was so distraught by that time that even feeding her did not console her. I tried calming her down, but she had been so worked up. I finally got her quiet, and the MRI technician told me to try to put her down on the MRI bed. I did that, and Addison started breathing heavily and I was worried she would start crying again. She seemed okay, so the technician (who wasn't sensitive AT ALL) started to put soft blocks around her head to secure the position. Well,  little missy was not having it. She started to cry and I was able to manage it for a little bit, but then it became unconsolable. The technician didn't seem like she wanted to deal with us, so she said she wasn't able to do the MRI that day. She didn't even let me try to calm her down again! It was awful. We had one shot Saturday, and it was blown. Because of that, we would have to stay another night. Ugh.

When we got back to the hospital room, my husband looked at me with hopeful eyes, but I think he knew from my expression that the MRI didn't happen. We were both disappointed! The nurse came in right after we got back and told us she felt bad that we didn't really have time to prepare Addison for the MRI. She told us that the outcome might have been different if we had had time to calm her down-- and I totally agreed with her.

Saturday afternoon, my parents came to visit and brought us snacks and drinks. They were lifesavers!! It was so nice to have their company and support during such a scary time for us. While they were there, a phlebotomist came in to draw blood. The woman seemed so nervous drawing blood on a baby! When she finally got a sample, she said that she hoped she had gotten enough (so did we!). Soon after the blood draw, another EEG technician came in and removed the electrodes on Addison's head. I wasn't worried about this process because Addison had so enjoyed getting them placed on. However, true to form, Addison HATED getting them off. She cried the entire time! I had hold her and the technician had to work around that to get them off. He had to use acetone to remove them, and so not only was Addison's eyes burning, mine were too! Thank goodness it only took about 15 minutes to get them off!

Once it was done, Addison just wanted to be held and we were all happy to provide that comfort to her. The poor thing had been through so much already-- she was extra snuggly that day. My parents left in the late afternoon, and after eating pizza from a great place in Lebanon, we all rested for the remainder of the night and went to bed early. Addison's second MRI attempt was the following day, and this time they were going to try to sedate her (thankfully).  I had to feed her at 3 AM and then refrain from feeding her until the MRI which was at 12 PM-- sounds super fun right?! Thankfully the nurse came in at 3 to wake both of us up so that I was able to feed her sufficiently. Once she was fed, we both went back to bed. Neither of us could have known what was going to happen that Sunday but boy was it an experience.

I thought I was going to be able to finish writing about our ordeal in this post but I can't haha. Sunday deserves it's own post. I will write about it and post it tomorrow! Until then, happy Sunday!

Friday Favorites!

Friday, January 29, 2016


Today, I am linking up with MomfessionalsA Little Bit of Everything, and Grace and Love for Friday Favorites, and A. Liz AdventuresCarolina CharmHello! Happiness, and The Good Life for 5 on Friday. 
I am also linking up with Meet At the Barre for Friday Favorites and The Farmer's Wife for Oh,Hey Friday!

Check out the blog a little bit later when I share Part II of our weekend with Addison at the hospital. 

This past Monday, I was able to spend some time with my sister Elizabeth. I am really interested in expanding my make-up skills and knowledge, and my sister-in-law invited me to a class provided by MAC at the Chestnut Hill Mall in Newton, MA. I asked Elizabeth to be my model, as I thought it would be nice to spend some time together, but also pamper her a little bit. She is pregnant with her first child, and she is so terribly sick! I wanted her to feel beautiful and to just have a day where she didn't have to worry about anything. It was so much fun! We hardly get to spend any one-on-one time together, and I have missed that. It reminded me of when I used to drive us to school. She is the best person I know (no honestly-- she is the absolute best) and always puts others first. I'm glad I got the opportunity to make her feel special Monday :)

Not only did I learn new skills at the make-up class, but I was also introduced to some AMAZING products. It was such a treat to work with MAC products, as I usually just buy and use make-up from places like CVS and Target. My favorites (that I actually purchased on Monday haha) are:

FOILED SHADOW (in Fairy Land) 
If you like sparkles as much as I do, you MUST get this eye shadow! Just a little bit of this eye shadow and you will be good to go! It looks good in the daytime and at night. It adds a nice, easy finishing touch but also looks good by itself so if you don't have time to put on a lot of make-up, you can look great in no time! This is obviously perfect for me since I don't have a lot of time for application haha. 

The cosmetologists used this brush with almost every single product they used during the class and tutorials. They used other brushes occasionally, but kept coming back to this brush! If there is one brush to purchase, this would be it. It is perfect for putting on foundation, eye make-up, blush and can even be used for contouring. 

This is a finishing mist (but you can also spritz yourself before you put on makeup). It hydrates and refreshes the skin. It is perfect if you have naturally oil skin but have dry skin during the winter time (or anytime really). That describes my skin perfectly! It is not one way or the other all of the time. Not only does it feel great when you mist it onto your face, it smells amazing! 
via // via // via

While these products are definitely more expensive than my typical products, they are really nice AND work extremely well. 

You think I could go one week without saying my daughter is one of my favorites-- but I can't! I am just so lucky to be her mother-- it has been the greatest joy of my entire life.

I finished my grading on time! Semester 1 grades were due at 8 AM this morning and between my long term sub and myself, we were able to finish everything last night. Such a weight has been lifted! Now-- I am going to enjoy the rest of my maternity leave and be much less involved with school happenings. 

We have been having some really nice weather lately, and it is making me think spring! Since my wardrobe for the past 9 months has included maternity clothes (yes I am still wearing my maternity clothes 2 months post-partum haha), I am looking to freshen up my closet. 
These pieces would be PERFECT! 

via // via // via // via // via

I hope you all had a great week, and an even better weekend :) 

Our Weekend Adventure and Addison's Medical Update: Part I

Thursday, January 28, 2016

I feel like this past weekend  I truly became a mom. Yes-- I know that my daughter is 2 months old and that I technically became a mother on November 23, 2015. However, the experience we had as a family this weekend made it feel even more real. 

It all started about two weeks ago, when I noticed that Addison's eyes would flutter while I changed her diaper. At first I didn't think anything of it-- I just thought it was her eyes trying to focus. When it became more frequent, my husband and I became concerned. My husband suggested I videotape the incident on my phone, just in case, and I am so glad he had me do that. It turned out to be extremely helpful. 

I called her pediatrician Monday January 18th and was told to come into the office immediately. I started to panic-- the nurse's voice seemed urged and concerned. My husband had already left for work, so my mom came with me for moral support. Honestly, I just needed someone there with me. We got to the doctor's office, and I showed Addison's doctor the video. She watched it and asked me to email it to her when I got a chance. Fortunately, Addison fluttered her eyes during the appointment, so luckily our pediatrician was able to witness it firsthand. Since Addison has a pediatric ophthalmologist already (due to her cataract) our pediatrician was going to consult with her to see what our next steps were. 

That afternoon, we were notified by Addison's doctor that we had an appointment with the pediatric ophthalmologist Thursday morning to investigate the fluttering. I have to say that the days we had to wait to see the doctor were torturous. Addison kept fluttering, I was worrying but tried to keep myself busy with the normal day-to-day stuff. My husband decided to come with us to the appointment. Addison's eyes were dilated, and her eye doctor did a basic exam. She watched the videos and asked to be messaged the video so that she could observe it and send it to some colleagues if necessary. Her diagnosis was reverse ocular bobbing (potentially a type of nystagmus or uncontrollable eye movement). There isn't a lot of research on this type of eye movement, and unfortunately most of the research out there links this type of eye movement with encephalopathy (brain malfunction), or some metabolic syndrome. I was numb. Our daughter was just supposed to have the cataract that's it. We don't even know why she has the cataract, and now we were on a new journey to figure out what was causing the fluttering. The ophthalmologist wanted to look into this further, so she said she would be in touch, but she really wanted Addison to get an MRI and testing done to make sure there were no other issue with the brain. She also noted that we might have to bring Addison to see either a neurologist or a neurological ophthalmologist.  Since her surgery to remove the cataract was fast approaching (and absolutely necessary for vision in her left eye), the doctor wanted to make sure there were no underlying problems (whether related or unrelated to her cataract). 

Thank goodness my husband was there with me to calm me down. An MRI? Possible brain disease or malfunction? But our daughter was smiling (for real!), she was hitting all of her milestones, she was gaining weight, she was interacting with others. How could there be something else wrong with our little girl? We don't know the cause of her cataracts, and now there was something else we couldn't explain. I felt terrible. I also felt as though it was my fault. I had an amazing pregnancy-- a really great, wonderful pregnancy. I had never felt so amazing in my life-- I truly loved being pregnant. Addison was safe while I was pregnant, and now I couldn't protect her like that anymore. I would have traded my great pregnancy for the worst kind possible if it meant that Addison was 100% healthy. But none of us get that luxury, and I have to remind myself that we are lucky that we have such a great doctor that can fix her cataract.

We left the eye center (2 hours after we had arrived), and waited to find out what the next course of action was. We didn't hear back from any of the doctors on Thursday and I was hopeful that it was nothing. Friday I brought Addison to the doctors for her 2 month check-up. Our pediatrician told me that she had spoken with Addison's ophthalmologist and they both agreed that Addison should get an MRI done and see a specialist. They were concerned that there was something else going on with Addison that we could not outwardly see that may affect the viability of her cataract surgery. I absolutely love Addison's pediatrician-- she cares so much for her patients, and as a mom, it is so comforting knowing there is someone looking out for your child. Since we didn't have a lot of time to mess around, Addison's pediatrician thought that the best course of action was admitting her into the hospital. I crumbled. I honestly wasn't expecting her to say that-- and it made me nervous because her pediatrician wanted her admitted ASAP. I understand that the fastest course of action was admittance into one of the best hospitals in the country, but it was still hard to accept. Our pediatrician suggested that we pack for the weekend just in case. Our first weekend away as a family would be at a hospital haha-- so much fun. 

Unfortunately, we couldn't just bring Addison to Dartmouth Hitchcock right away, we had to wait for a confirmation call. That was the longest afternoon of my life! Once we finally got the call, my husband and I packed the car and started on our two hour journey. On our way, I had to pick up my classes' final exams to grade. No rest for the weary here. The two hour drive went by quickly, and by 8 pm we arrived at the hospital. We parked in the garage at the hospital, but unfortunately we had to walk all the way around the hospital to the ER entrance, since that was the only one open at 8 pm. The only items we carried were Addison in her car seat carrier and her diaper bag-- we left all of our other items in the car (thinking we would be able to get them once we checked in). 

Once we checked in, we were taken to our very small hospital room. Little did we know that was just the beginning....

Check back here tomorrow for Part II of our Weekend Adventure as I have to take care of the little one, finish dinner, and clean the dishes! 

What's Up Wednesday

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Today, I am linking up with The Larson LingoPinterest Told Me To, and Mix and Match Family for What's Up Wednesday! 

What we're eating this week....
I have been making crockpot recipes (courtesy of Mix and Match Mama!) Our favorites include: Mexican Meatloaf, Chicken and Spinach Enchilada Soup, Taco Tortellini Soup, and Apple Cider Pork Tenderloin. Making these recipes actually makes me feel like I am a good cook haha! 

What I'm reminiscing about...
I hate to say it, but I am missing the snow we had last year. Granted we got a lot and it was a pain to clear (although my husband cleared 99.9% of it haha), but it sure looked beautiful. 

What I'm loving....
I am loving spending time at home with my daughter. I am going to be a certifiable mess when I have to go back to work. 

What we've been up to...
Well.. we have been enjoying Addison of course :) oh and we spent the weekend at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH (more on that tomorrow) :/. 
Here is sneak peek:

What I'm dreading...
I was looking forward to Addison's cataract surgery on February 5th-- but now I'm nervous/anxious/worried. 
I just want everything to go well. 

What I'm working on....
I started this blog about a year ago without any expectations. I just wanted to document my life and share my experiences. However, I have a few things in the works so stay tuned! 

What I'm excited about...
I am excited for spring. When I walked outside today it smelled like spring (anyone else think that the seasons have a certain smell?) and I got really excited :). I know winter isn't over yet (February can be a really snowy month around here), but I can't wait to take Addison outside! I can't wait for her to play in our front yard, and for us to go on walks around the neighborhood together :)

What I'm watching/reading....
I wish I could say that I have taken full advantage of my maternity leave and have read multiple books but......I haven't haha. Any suggestions for quick/easy reads? 

I have been watching "New Girl" (I forgot how much I loved that show), embarassingly "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" and of course the "The Bachelor" haha. 

What I'm listening to....
I just got my husband the Amazon Echo for Christmas (it's awesome by the way), and we have been listening to the following Pandora Stations: Harry Conick Jr. and Marvin Gaye. Addison really loves listening to these stations while getting her bath :)

What I'm wearing...
I'm wearing comfortable clothes while I can haha. I usually put on jeans, a pregnancy tank-top, a light-weight and flowy shirt, and I am good to go. Honestly a scarf can dress up even the most basic outfit! 
I LOVE thick, warm scarves, but I have to say that I can't wait to wear my spring style scarves. These would be great to add to my collection: 


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What I'm doing this weekend...
We don't really have too much going on this weekend (thankfully!), probably just some cleaning, organizing and cuddling :)

What I'm looking forward to next month:
I am looking forward to/somewhat dreading going back to work. On the one hand, I am excited to see everyone again and to meet my new students. On the other hand, I know I am going to be super sad to  leave Addie. I am so lucky and blessed that I have been able to spend this much time with her, and I am fully aware of that! 

What else is new...
Nothing else really-- just trying to figure out what's going on with Addison's eyes (other than the cataract). 

I think that's about it! 

Quick Update

Monday, January 25, 2016

Hello everyone! I am sorry I have been out of commission since last week. I had planned on writing posts for all of my Friday link-ups and for my Monday link-ups, but we had a medical situation for my daughter. We had to go up to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH for some major testing, and everything came back normal (such a relief). We now have to see a neurological ophthalmologist to further investigate something going on with Addison, but the good news is that most "Big" things came back negative. I will be writing a lengthy post later on this week about our journey this weekend and what we have ahead of us, but I just wanted to let you all know what was going on. 



Thank you for your continued support :) 

Registry Basics: Honest and Cost-Conscious Favorites

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I am a first time mom, so everything is new to me. During my pregnancy, I worried about every little thing! I didn't know what was normal or abnormal, and I didn't know what I would need and what I wouldn't need. One of the most difficult things to do during my pregnancy was complete the baby registry. I obviously did a TON of research on baby items just because I wanted to get the right stuff. I not only used the advice from Lucie's List (seriously an amazing website with information on just about EVERYTHING baby), used the Babys R Us registry , read the BabyList Checklist, and even looked at other people's registries online (yes I typed in random names to see what other people registered for) in order to compile my list. Did my husband think I was crazy? Absolutely. Did he think I was stressing too much about it? Absolutely haha. Do I agree with him now? Yes. I stressed about it wayyy to much. 
I have decided to put together a short list of the baby items that we honestly use, items that I don't think are necessary to put on a baby registry, and items that I wish I had registered for. This list is not only for myself (for the future) but for all you pregnant ladies out there (and those that are planning a family for the future). I know there are a lot of these lists out there, but I figure it may help some of you narrow down your lists to the need to have/necessary items, especially if you are on a budget like we are.  
One piece of advice-- don't overthink the registry. I know, I know. Easier said than done right? And, if I was reading this advice while pregnant I wouldn't believe it either. But, honestly, don't stress too much about the little things for the registry. You might want to test out carseats, strollers, baby carriers, but there is no reason to test out/get stressed over the type of bathtub or the type of drying rack to register for (in my opinion). 

Another piece of advice-- choose where you register wisely! I actually registered at BabyList. You can add items from any store to the list, and best of all, it finds the best price for that item. It is also SUPER EASY to add items/change items/search for items on any mobile device. I actually registered for a lot of items while working out/walking around the neighborhood! Many of the items could be found on Amazon, which was also nice for people because many people had Amazon Prime so it was cheaper for them to order it online than purchase it in the store. But-- it also had an option where people could select a product online, but pick it up/ purchase it in the store (which was great for my grandparents). There are also some really cool items you can register for such as home cooked meals from people! I know others that have registered at places like Buy Buy Baby and had great luck with it-- so this is just my opinion! 
So-- without futher ado-- here is my honest and cost-conscious opinion about what items I think you should register for! Remember-- this is just my opinion and definitely not the end all be all. I welcome your opinions as well-- if there are items you think I should have (now and in the future) please let me know :) 

Most of my items were suggested by Lucie's List-- so if you want more information about these items (or other options) visit that site here


As for the carseats and strollers, we have the Graco FastAction Fold Click Connect Travel System (similar one found here) and it works perfectly for us! It was cost-friendly and I liked how the carseat fit perfectly into the stroller (which so many of them do now!). When testing these items out, I also liked the Chicco brand carseat and stroller, however, I found it more challenging to take the carseat out of the base and stroller. As far as safety reviews, Gracco is very comparable to the Chicco brand and others. In addition, I tried out multiple strollers, and they all felt very similar to me. Because the Gracco option was cost-friendly and had very good reviews, we went with that one. I should also add that I am not a runner. I also do not plan on using our stroller on rough terrain haha. So if you do either of those activities, I would suggest a different option. 

As for the crib, we were very lucky in getting a crib from my sister-in-law. It is simple, classic, and white and looks really good in Addison's nursery. It is also a 4-in-1, so we can use it well beyond the first year. I don't really have an opinion on the type of crib to get-- ideally it is probably going to depend on what you want the theme of the baby room to be. Some great and diverse options from Amazon include the following: 

 In terms of safety items, I did register for a few monitors (Angelcare Baby Sound Monitor and Summer Infant Baby Sight Duo Digital Color Video Monitor Set with Night Vision). I haven't really used them yet since Addison is still sleeping in our room-- but I will update you when I have used them.  We did register for the Snuza, and so far (knock on wood) have not had any false alarms with it. It clips on the diaper and monitors her breathing. As a mother who is very nervous about SIDS, I knew I wanted a monitor of some sorts. There are so many reviews on Amazon about this product--seriously I think this or the Owlet is a must-have in terms of safety. 

I also would suggest putting gift card options on your registry (I wish I had done that), along with diapers and wipes. For my baby shower, guests were asked to bring diapers and their names were automatically placed in a raffle to win a gift (my mom called it the diaper raffle haha). You might think this idea is silly- but it was such a good idea. I did not have to purchase ANY (yes you read that correctly) newborn diapers for Addison. Because of the diaper raffle, we had plenty and even had some left over. If you know who is planning your shower, just discreetly mention this to them :) Honestly, such a good idea. 

Even though we had the diaper raffle, I still registered for diapers and wipes. I personally like Pampers Swaddlers and their sensitive wipes, however, other people prefer Huggies, Honest Company, or re-usable diapers. Regardless of the brand or type, I would suggest registering for them.


Other Registry Items: Small Items and Addison's Favorites (so far):

Basic Registry Items

Nice to Have Items (but not necessary in large quantities):

With regards to clothes, I guess it is personal preference. My advice? Don't register for a lot of clothes. Not only do babies grow out of clothes quickly, you don't know what kind of clothes/sleeping apparel you will feel comfortable putting on your newborn/baby. What do I mean by that? Well....I researched sleep apparel and decided to register for a lot of sleep sacks (all different types). When I was in the hospital, after I had Addison, the nurse discussed sleep safety and did not recommend using those sleep sacks. I think my jaw dropped--- what?! We got a ton of them! Not only was the hospital against those sacks, but they were against the swaddling of babies at nighttime (during naps they were okay with it). Now there are A LOT of opinions out there about this. My advice? Talk to your doctor/hospital about this before you decide anything. There are a lot of people that will tell you what they did-- but ultimately do what you feel most comfortable with. My husband and I decided to follow the instructions of the nurses, so we have not used those sacks quite yet. Therefore, my advice would be to maybe register for one or two and then after your baby is born, decide on what you are going to do and go from there (again just my opinion).
As for items like mittens, booties, hats and clothes in general-- my personal opinion is to only register for a few. Again-- if you are a first time mom like me, you won't really know what you want to dress your baby in until he/she is born. My husband and I learned this very early on. We learned that we did not like to put the newborn onesies with the buttons on the bottom on Addison. We were nervous, we didn't like to put the onesie over her head (we didn't know about the should thing for a while), and they seemed stiff. What did we end up liking? Kimonos haha. These are perfect for newborns and we hardly put her in the typical newborn onesie. 


You will honestly get so many blankets. Fleece, flannel, crocheted, knitted, small/large, you name it you will get it. You will get them without registering for any. I promise. Well-- I won't pinky promise-- but I am pretty sure you will be all set. I wish I hadn't registered for them only because I think it is important to include only the items you desperately need on the registry (to guarantee you will get the items you will really need). 

Yes-- I said it. You don't really need a pretty cover on your changing pad. Does it look nice? Yes. Does it make the baby room so cute and put together? Yes. Is it necessary? No. Not one bit. Why you ask? Because your baby will have a blow out on it. Think about it. It is where you put your baby to change. Where he/she will poop-- and trust me-- poop is hard to get out of everything. If you do register for a cover, I would register for a few, and be prepared for one of them to get soiled on haha. Just know that I gave up on my cover the first week Addison was home haha. 
As for the pad liners, some people swear by them, others do not. I side with the latter. Sure I use them, but the ones I registered for are small, hard to wash, and white. I find them unnecessary.  I have actually started using some of the thin blankets I received as changing liners instead of the pad liners. Does anyone have any advice out there on what to purchase (without having to buy the disposable ones)? I am still iffy on the liners. 

Similar to blankets, you will receive so many baby toys! I didn't register for any and we have so many that I have two bins to store them all in! 

Items I Wish I Had Registered For:
As silly as it may sound, I wish I had registered for breastfeeding accessories. When I was originally putting my registry list together, I was too embarrassed to put items on there like breastfeeding tank-tops, breastfeeding pads, soothies, ointment, nursing covers, etc. However, I wish I had put these items on there from a practical standpoint. 
I also wish I had registered for a play mat (I don't consider this a toy haha). Over the holiday, Addison used my cousin's play mat at her house and LOVED it. It wasn't something I thought I needed, so I didn't register for it. I am planning on purchasing this one from Amazon: 

Lastly, as mentioned above, I wish I had registered for more gift cards. It was so nice to go out to Buy Buy Baby or Babys R Us to purchase items that we needed a few weeks after Addison was born. It not only saved us money, but gave us the ability to purchase necessary items that we put on our registry but didn't receive. Just think about it, okay? :)

Well this is definitely not an exhaustive list (and it doesn't include everything we registered for), but hopefully you found it helpful and informative. But keep this in mind: I am still new at this whole mom thing and I am definitely not a professional haha. There are things that will work better for you than what I have suggested, and that is okay! I have discovered that there is a learning curve and every baby is unique so you may have to try out different options to see what your baby likes best. 

Please feel free to comment below or email me if you have any specific questions or concerns! Good luck with registering!

DISCLAIMER: Some of the links provided throughout this post are affiliate links, meaning I may receive a small commission if you click on a link and purchase that item. Thank you for supporting me and my blog-- I truly appreciate it.