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{Addison Lynne: 1 Month Old}

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

And just like that...Addison Lynne is 1 month old. Where has the time gone?! I never thought four weeks could go by so quickly. This little one has changed so much already, and I can't wait to see what the next four weeks bring! 

This month is what I like to call the "Getting to Know You" time period. When Jim and I brought Addison home from the hospital, we weren't quite sure what to do. Addison was sleeping--- and we were too excited to sleep. We both just stared at her for a long time and waited for some type of movement. That first night, my parents brought over dinner which I realize now was a God-send. New mommies out there-- accept help. Honestly. It doesn't mean you aren't capable of taking care of your house, your baby, or yourself. Soon enough it will just be the two of you, so enjoy the company and help. 

We came home the day before Thanksgiving, and I was determined to at least make it to my grandmothers that Thursday to eat some turkey :). Dedication, am I right? My husband was so great about the whole Thanksgiving trip-- he told me he didn't care if we went or not (although I told him I was determined to go for at least a little bit) He checked on me constantly while we were at my grandparents house, and when I needed to leave early (just felt uncomfortable and wanted to lay in bed haha)--he didn't hesitate. From day one he has been such a hands-on father, and I couldn't ask for a better partner.  

The first two weeks it seemed like Addison slept WAY too much. My husband and I were a little worried-- but we learned quickly that's what newborns do. They sleep, eat, poop, and repeat. My husband was home with me the first week, and then my mom was with me during week two and part of week three. It was so special to watch and experience each of them bonding with Addison. I won't lie- it was also nice to have someone else around with me so that I could freely clean, do laundry, organize, rest, and make dinner. 

In terms of health, Addison is overall very healthy. She has gained weight steadily-- she even surpassed her discharge weight before the two week mark! However, at her first appointment, her pediatrician was concerned about her left eye. It didn't show a red reflex as normal, healthy, functioning eyes typically do. The right eye seemed fine-- showed the red reflex and didn't raise any concerns. When the pediatrician mentioned that she wanted us to bring Addison to the eye doctor to get the left eye checked out, panic ensued. We asked when we needed to bring her in, and the pediatrician told us we needed to bring her immediately. I tried to keep calm, but inside I knew something was wrong. I didn't even know what the red reflex was, never mind what it meant to have the absence of one. Instantly, I began researching what it meant. The lack of a red reflex is indicative of a few potential issues, cataracts being one of them. I researched and researched, looked at Addison's eye, and knew that she had a congenital cataract. Her left eye (in the pupil portion) had a cloudiness that is the characteristic sign of a cataract. Science is my life, and for the next week or so I became obsessive with the researching. I researched causes and treatments. The odd portion is that nothing fit-- I didn't have any of the issues/illnesses/history that they had listed as causes. That almost made me feel worse-- why was this happening to our seemingly healthy little girl? Did I do anything wrong? These thoughts were constant visitors in my head. No matter what anyone said-- I kept thinking it was my fault. 

Addison, my mom and I went to the local eye doctor, who looked at Addison's eye after they had been dilated. His quick diagnosis was congenital cataracts, but wanted to rule out other potential issues (cancer and retina problems). Addison had an ultrasound on her eye, and the doctor was somewhat pleased. He told us that it didn't appear as though her eye had a tumor or a detached retina or any other retina problems, and said that was a very good thing. He did say that she had a congenital cataract, and suggested that we see a doctor affiliated with his office down in Boston, MA. My heart sank. I still had a glimmer of hope that she was okay. In the office I think I was so numb that I didn't really have a chance to react in any particular way. It wasn't until I got home that I cried. And boy did I cry. I was trying so hard to be strong-- but no one wants their baby to have to deal with any issues such as this. Through my research I learned that while treatable, congenital cataracts are a lifetime issue. We learned more specific information when we headed to Tufts in Boston, MA to the pediatric specialist we were referred to. 

The week after her local visit, my husband and I drove to Tufts in Boston, MA for Addison's next eye appointment. It didn't start off that great-- it took us 3 hours to get there (should have taken only about an hour and half). She had (thankfully) slept most of the ride down-- with only a few fussy moments. Oh and to top it off- this new mommy forgot the pacifier. Awesome. Even though Addison doesn't take a pacifier too much, it does help to soothe her during times when she is gassy or hungry. Once we arrived at the doctors office, we had to wait (yes-- even though we were late we still waited about forty-five minutes). I was getting worried because Addison was only about two weeks old and we still hadn't gotten a feeding routine down. There we were now four hours after her last feeding, and she still was asleep and I didn't know when we would be seen. I was tempted to wake her up, but I just didn't know what to do! I constantly asked the secretary how long it would be until we would be seen and she kept saying the doctor was almost ready. Ugh. I could have fed her in that time. 

When we finally were able to see the doctor, I cringed when the doctor started to look at Addison's eyes. I could just imagine her waking up and screaming at the top of her lungs because she was hungry! Thankfully that didn't happen. Dr. Chen (amazing, amazing doctor) took a look at Addison's eye and confirmed the previous diagnosis: congenital cataracts. She asked me a series of questions regarding my health and my health during the pregnancy, and again I felt as though it was my fault that Addison had the cataract. She ruled out many causes, including genetic, and seemed fairly confident that it was not caused by a metabolic syndrome. Therefore-- we don't know why she has this cataract. 

After the background information, Dr. Chen dilated Addison's eye in preparation for an ultrasound on her eye to confirm the diagnosis, to see if the cataract was in the middle of her eye, and to make sure there were no other underlying problems. And wouldn't you know-- the ultrasound was in a completely separate office (still at Tufts). But before we left, I needed to change Addison. So I grabbed the diaper bag and proceeded to change her in the bathroom. I will preface the next part by saying-- I was still a newbie. I started to change Addison and I quickly realized that she was pooping-- a lot mind you. All over. Soiling her outfit and the changing pad I had. I went through four diapers (don't ask haha) and countless wipes. When we got out of the bathroom, my husband just looked at me. I had been in there for oh about fifteen minutes. I think my exact words were: "I used four diapers.Don't ask" oh and probably "You don't want to know how many wipes I used." 

After that debacle, my husband and I lugged all of our stuff across the hospital to the other office. Oh and did I mention Addison was now FULLY awake? And screaming. In her short two weeks with us she had never screamed the way she did while we were running to the other office. Oh and where was the pacifier to comfort said baby? Yes-- at home haha-- this is when we really could have used it! So I gave her my pinky (yes it truly is the next best thing). We then proceeded to wait. And wait. And wait. I fed our little girl, who had now gone five hours without eating. She had been SO GOOD, and I just wanted to comfort my baby girl. While we were waiting, a sweet woman came by to remark at how beautiful my family was and how beautiful it was to see my husband holding my daughter. She was moved so much that she actually wanted to paint a picture of my husband holding my daughter. She took a picture of my husband holding Addison and promised to email me when she was finished with it. While I was touched, I also was little offended. I mean I know that my hair was a mess, and that I wasn't looking my best, but why didn't she like me holding my daughter? Haha-- I will never forget that encounter. 

Anyway, we finally were called to the ultra sound room. Once that was finished, we headed back to Dr. Chen's office. When we arrived, she confirmed the cataract was in the center of her eye, and thus our only real option is surgery to remove the cataract. Dr. Chen did say that they won't know if there are any other problems with her eye (her nerve) until the day of the surgery, but she is hopeful it is just the cataract. Addison's surgery to remove her cataract is February 5th (a date that I am dreading), and at that point she will receive a contact and we will have to patch her eye. Once it is healed, we will be patching her good eye (quite a bit actually) to train the left eye. Addison will be seen by Dr. Chen frequently after surgery, and pretty much her entire childhood. When Addison is between 5-7 years old, she will have surgery to implant an artificial contact lens, which I am looking forward to. I am dreading placing the contact in my baby's eye :(. Even after receiving the artificial lens, Addison will have to wear glasses, but Dr. Chen is confident she will be able to see. 

I will certainly keep everyone posted about this journey of ours. While it is something we never expected to endure, we know she will be okay and more importantly will be able to see successfully because of the surgery. 

On a positive note, this past month I have had the chance to get to know our little one so much better. She is now 8 lbs and officially out of her newborn diapers :( We are trying to have her wear all of her newborn clothes because we know she will be out of those soon as well! 

Some things I have learned about Addison this month:
  • She would rather fall asleep in our arms than in her pack and play
  • She loves white noise- especially things like a vacuum sound or oscillating fan 
  • She doesn't like to be in a dirty diaper- so much so that she doesn't poop until we are in the process of changing her (or when I'm feeding her haha)
  • She likes to sleep with her arms up above her head 
  • She loves motion-- the car, swing, Rock-in-Play, walking, rocking, etc 
  • She only cries when she has gas (Or when she is extremely hungry)-- but she rarely cries 
  • She DOES NOT like tummy time 
  • She grunts and snorts when she is hungry 
  • She pretends to sleep when anyone is holding her in a room with bright lights 
  • She really only takes a pacifier when she has gas
  • She loves when you sing to her
  • She is starting to coo and smile at us :) 
  • She is also staring to pull my hair...haha...good thing she is cute! 
  • She is the best thing that has ever happened to me 

Weekending.. I Can't Believe It's Over!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Happy Monday everyone :) I am linking up with B Loved Boston and Champagne and Suburbs for Weekending... 

And just like's over. I have enjoyed this Christmas season unlike any other thanks to my newborn daughter Addison :). Even before she was born (11.23.15), I was listening to Christmas music and getting into the spirit of the season. This time of year is by far my favorite, and my husband's favorite as well. Sure, I love the Fall with all of its colors and smells, and don't get me wrong, the newness that comes with Spring is undeniable. Oh and Summer- I do love Summer. A break from the hustle and bustle of the school year is definitely welcomed. But nothing compares with the holiday season. It just makes me happy. I am having a hard time letting go of all of the decorations this year-- we have had most of them up since before Thanksgiving (I wanted to make sure our house was ready for Christmas whenever "baby" came haha). But--  our tree is shedding something fierce so I think this week we will be putting it all away. 

This year was extra special because of this girl: 

Words cannot describe how much of a blessing it was to have Addison with us this year for Christmas. Having a child definitely changes you-- and I wasn't prepared AT ALL for all of the love I could feel for my daughter. It is overwhelming-- my heart bursts everyday when I see her face. Honestly-- I didn't need any gifts this year. She was seriously the best gift I could ever hope for. I cannot even imagine what my life was like before having her-- it just seems so incomplete.  

Christmas Eve was spent with my husband's family, and Christmas Day was spent with my family and it couldn't have been more perfect. Good food, great company, and good times! 

Saturday was spent doing errands (yes we braved the crowds haha), and it was so nice to go out as a family of three :) Addison was amazing--she is such a laid back and easy-going baby (for the most part haha). Saturday night, all three of us cuddled and watched movies :)

Sunday was spent sleeping in (much needed), and the afternoon was spent at my grandparents house. We watched the Patriots lose (boo) and enjoyed the company of my parents, sisters, aunt and uncle, cousins, and grandparents. I can't complain-- we got in a lot of family time this holiday weekend and I couldn't ask for anything more. 

I hope your holiday and weekend was enjoyable AND relaxing. 

Savor the last week of 2015! Bring on the New Year! 

Addison Lynne's Birth Story

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I thought long and hard about whether I would blog/write Addison's birth story. It is something so personal, so meaningful that I wasn't sure I wanted to share that. However, because this blog is a place to to record my memories, I decided that I wanted to write one of the most memorable days of my life here. Just like my journey to find love, I can't wait to come back to this post and re-read the details and remember the day. it goes! 

My actual due date was December 5th, however, both my husband and I thought I would have the baby before that date. We just didn't know how early it would be :) My goal was to get through the Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week. My honors students had presentations to give, and my Marine Biology students were finishing up an essay and preparing for a quiz. I felt as though I needed to be there! Also-- my long term sub was going to shadow me those two days, as well as, the week of November 30th just to get used to everything. I just wanted to make it through those days, and then the baby was free to come at any time ;) 

However, at the end of school Friday November 20th, I was packing up my items and I had a weird sensation that I should get some sub plans together for the following week. I don't know if subconsciously I knew that something was going to happen, or if my Type A personality was in over-drive, but I prepared for the possibility of not returning to school that next week. 

On Sunday, I felt great-- aside from my itchy, swelling feet. I went to church that morning and a woman who typically sits behind my family tapped my grandmother on the shoulder and told her that I was "close" haha. I just laughed it off-- I didn't feel any different. 

Sunday afternoon, we (my mom, sisters, cousins, aunt, and grandmother) surprised my cousin Kelly at the hospital with a "girls" day celebrating her transfer from Dartmouth Hospital in Lebanon, NH to a local hospital near my family. She was 30 weeks pregnant with her second child, but had some complications with the pregnancy that forced her to stay in the hospital. Her journey started at 23 weeks-- the goal was to make it to 34 weeks! When they originally found the problem, she was 20 weeks and she got mixed messages from the doctors. Some were very positive about the whole situation, and others were less optimistic. However, Kelly and her husband Scott have kept their spirits up with the support of family and friends. (as an update-- Kelly delivered Noah via C-Section on December 5th- my due date haha- and he is doing well in the NICU). 

When we all arrived at hospital, I joked that I was getting my own private tour of the Birth Place (as my cousin was in the same department and hospital I would be using to deliver my baby). My mom joked with the nurses at the front desk that they would see me soon haha. I just didn't know how soon. 

Sunday night I felt fine, and I was ready for the two days of school before Thanksgiving break. I went to bed at a normal time, and honestly didn't feel any different. 

I woke up around 2:45 AM with some discomfort that I can only describe as really uncomfortable menstrual cramps. I also had this need to go to the bathroom constantly. I don't know why but I was convinced that I wasn't having contractions. Although I did download an app to track whatever it was I was going through-- they weren't consistent at all. I ended up calling my doctor at 4:30 in the morning and the doctor on call told me to wait until the contractions were 5 minutes apart, with a duration of 1 minute. I was still convinced that I was having Braxton-Hicks (although I had BH around 30 weeks of my pregnancy and it didn't feel like that). Maybe I was convincing myself that I wasn't in labor haha. 

Anyway haha...I asked the doctor if I could go into work and she told me that I should probably stay home just in case. I wanted to go into school-- so much so that I even called my mom to see what she thought. She told me to stay home, and told me that Jim should stay home with me too. Reluctantly, I called in sick to work-- still convinced that it was false alarm. I took a shower to see if that would help make me feel better, and while it definitely did, the "contractions" were still coming. 

I emailed sub plans, and started to stress about my long term sub. I was worried that he wouldn't understand my plans, that my students would be confused/lost, and that I was letting people down. My husband and I had just picked up wreaths, kissing balls, and greenery on Saturday for a fundraiser I was doing at school, and I was supposed to bring them in and distribute them that day. I was stressing out about it, and texted my co-advisor telling her my husband and I would bring the wreaths that afternoon (What was I thinking.....). She was a little surprised and asked me if I was really okay to bring them-- I should have said no-- but I felt bad! 

Cut to the afternoon where my contractions were about 7-8 minutes apart, but lasted about 2-3 minutes (A hint to all you pregnant ladies out there-- don't stick by the 5 minute, 1 minute duration if your contractions are lasting that long!). I finally realized that yes-- I was indeed in labor haha. The odd part (or so I thought) was that I did not feel contractions in my abdominal area, but in my back. By the afternoon some of them were so bad that the only way I felt better was if I hugged the toilet on my hands and knees. I texted my co-advisor and told her that there was no way I could deliver the wreaths, and I apologized profusely. I am so lucky to have her  not only as a co-advisor but a friend. She said she would take care of it-- and ended up picking the wreaths up from my house with another co-worker of mine. I've got to say--I  have such amazing friends.  

My husband asked if I thought we should call the hospital oh about five or so times, but I kept telling him-- I wasn't at the 5 minutes, 1 minute mark yet (gosh I am so literal!). My mother finally called me, and I couldn't talk to her (was going through a contraction at the time) at which point my husband talked to her. Once he got off the phone, he said we needed to call the doctor. Around the same time, my co-advisor called me to verify my address-- (I don't know why I answered the phone since I was going through a contraction at the time)- and I ended up hanging up on her because I couldn't talk. I felt awful about it! 

When my husband called the doctor-- they told us to come in immediately (it was about 2:30/3ish at this point). Thankfully I had already packed my overnight bag- so all my husband had to do was grab it before we left for the hospital. When I started to head to the car, panic started to ensue. I realized that I would have to endure contractions for the 30 minute car ride to the hospital. (I should have thought about that all afternoon haha). The ride to the hospital was a blur-- during the ride I got a text from my memere encouraging me and telling me that I only had one more day of school before Thanksgiving Break. She didn't even know I was in labor yet! I was so focused during my contractions that I couldn't text anyone letting them know I was in labor (I mean I had been in labor for about 12 hours but I didn't know that at the time haha). 

Once we got to the hospital and checked in (about 3/3:30), I was visited by two nurses. They put a fetal monitor around my stomach, and started measuring my contractions. One of the nurses was surprised at the length of my contractions- I'm not sure if they thought I was exaggerating when I had told them during check-in how long they were haha. That nurse said that she would get the doctor right away, and once the doctor came back and checked my cervix I was already 9 cm dilated. Everyone-including my husband-- was shocked. I couldn't believe that I was that far along! The doctor said she would be back in a few minutes, and when she returned, I was wheeled into my delivery room. 

Now I have to be honest-- the contractions hurt. I guess I didn't expect to feel them as strongly as I did-- nor did I expect to feel them in my back as much as I did. I didn't really prepare myself for back labor. They were almost unbearable-- the back pain was so intense that the nurse instructed Jim to push hard against my back to counter the contraction. I also had a hard time relaxing (no surprise to anyone who knows me haha). I was tense, I wanted to grab/squeeze everything in sight. Unfortunately, being tense is not helpful nor does it actually lessen the pain. Of course I remembered that aspect from the class we had taken, but in the moment, I just wanted to relieve my pain. In my head, squeezing something would help. For some reason, the contractions were more bearable when I was laying on my right side. Unfortunately, because I was still tense and holding my breath, I was given an oxygen mask to make sure that I and the baby got enough oxygen flowing. At some point, one of the doctors asked if I was interested in an epidural. I looked at my husband and said "What do you think? Do we want one?"-- and my husband just looked at me and said he didn't know. I wasn't sure! I had so much time to think about whether or not I would want an epidural-- but I couldn't decide. Thankfully I wouldn't have to-- the other doctor stepped in and said I didn't really have time of an epidural. By the time the anesthesiologist would have been able to come (about 30 minutes), the baby would already be born. epidural for me haha. 

The second doctor asked if I was ready to push- and I definitely was. While pushing did not hurt-- it was exhausting! I felt as though I never really got a break-- I would push hard and immediately after the doctor was prepping me to push again. At one point I think I said that I couldn't do it-- I was just exhausted. I probably pushed about 5-6 time. In the last few pushes, the only thing that kept me going was that the doctor told me she could see the baby's head. I knew the end was in sight. I wanted to meet my baby so badly-- I pushed one last time and out came a beautiful, perfect baby girl. Emotions were extreme, and all I remember is crying, kissing my husband, and feeling my precious girl on my chest. Indescribable. You really don't know how you will feel until you are in that moment. 

Addison Lynne was born at 4:54 on November 23rd. She weighed 6 lbs 6.5 oz, and was 19.5 inches. I never knew my heart could feel so much love ❤️ 

And that is the birth story of Addison Lynne. The nurses joked with me and told me that for my next child-- I shouldn't wait as long to head to the hospital haha. I will definitely consider that the next time ;)  

Weekending.. Christmas Week Edition!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Happy Monday everyone :) I am linking up with B Loved Boston and Champagne and Suburbs for Weekending... 

Mondays definitely different for me now that I am on Maternity Leave haha. I don't feel any less busy-- but I am so enjoying the time with my daughter, Addison.Before getting pregnant I never really thought about Maternity Leave or what FMLA actually entailed. Since my pregnancy and having Addison-- I definitely have a new appreciation for all those moms who have to go back to work exponentially early. I am off until the first week of March and I am already dreading it. It really is a shame that moms (and dads for that matter) don't get as much time off as they should--paid time off that is. I feel so blessed that I am able to take off as much time as I am. 

 Thankfully Jim is only working Monday and Tuesday this week so he will be able to join us in the Christmas fun :) We still have a few gifts to purchase (no I am not one of those people that gets it all done months in advance-- I wish!), but I am excited to be out and about with my little family. 

While I am so excited that Christmas is this week, it feels bittersweet. It is almost over :( I love this season- my husband loves this season. There is just something about the holidays that the rest of the year can't compete with. I also will admit that the past few years hasn't truly felt 100% like Christmas up here and that's because of the lack of snow! There really isn't anything like a white Christmas. Ah-- oh well. I guess we will just have to venture up to the White Mountains (hint, hint). 

Onto what we did this weekend.....
- Saturday (after sleeping in of course) we ventured to Jim's aunt's house for their annual extended family Christmas Party. Good food, good company-- it was just perfect! Addison definitely stole the show-- she was loved on by just about everyone! 
- I made Monkey Bread for everyone and it was a hit (per usual haha). There are so many recipes and variations out there-- I made the classic bread which you can find here


- I loved seeing Jim's parents interact with Addison-- the love they have for her already is so beautiful! 
- After the party, we headed home, relaxed and watched movies. Perfect ending to a great day. 

- On Sunday, my cousin Kelly took newborn pictures of Addison! 
- Kelly is an amazing person- she just had her baby two weeks ago via C-section, she had been in the hospital for over 9 weeks due to some complications, and was a trooper through the whole process. Her baby, Noah, is still in the NICU but he  doing amazingly well! I am so glad and honored that Kelly was able to take Addison's pictures. I can't imagine anyone else capturing these memories for us. 
Here are some sneak peak images (courtesy of my husband my aunt who captured some of the magic!) 

I mean..I can't even haha. I know I am biased-- but she is so adorably perfect.  I can't wait to see what Kelly has captured-- I know it will be amazing. 
If you are in the NH/Massachusetts area, feel free to check out her website: Kelly and Kristina Photography

- After Addison's photoshoot, we went to my grandparent's house for dinner and to make our family's famous peanut butter balls. I don't have a copy of the recipe- but I will see if I  can snag it from my grandmother :). 
- Sunday night after we got home, we ended up watching my absolutely favorite movie ever: The Sound of Music. Although-- my husband and I were both a little confused. We weren't sure when this movie became a Christmas movie? There is literally 0 Christmas scenes in this film! Oh well-- any excuse to watch it is fine by me :) 

I hope you all had a great weekend-- enjoy the last week of Christmas! 

5 on Friday, Friday Favorites and Hiatus Update

Friday, December 18, 2015


Today, I am linking up with MomfessionalsA Little Bit of Everything, and Grace and Love for Friday Favorites, but also A. Liz AdventuresCarolina CharmHello! Happiness, and The Good Life for 5 on Friday. 

I know, I know. It has been a long time. Three weeks or so. What can I say? Motherhood is crazy busy-- especially with a newborn :) I have also been grading assignments for my classes, so I have been go, go, go. I am also having a hard time with the whole-- "sleep while your baby is sleeping" thing. Once I get Addison down, all I want to do is clean, cook and get everything done that I haven't been able to do! I just can't seem to nap while she naps haha. 

I'll get into more detail about the ins and outs of the past few weeks in a post coming soon-- but for now let's get to the Favorites! 

This one....

And these two...

I love seeing these two together :) My husband has been amazing with Addison and it is so beautiful to see them interact together. He has so much love for her, and I can't imagine anything better in life. 

I never could have imagined the love I would have for Addison. It is this indescribable feeling, and I can't even imagine what my life was like before her. It has been the best/most exhausting/ stressful/ rewarding three and a half weeks of my life! 

My sisters and I are always looking for great/cool/ unique gifts to give my uncles and this year was no exception. We ended up getting them a great wine rack from West Elm


The website has so many other great gift ideas-- and right now they are having some really great deals! If anyone else procrastinates with their Christmas shopping (like me!) the deals are still great out there. 

I honestly can't say enough about the Etsy shop, Randy's Design. I absolutely love all of his canvases, and I have purchased so many of these amazing canvases not just for myself, but for so many of my family members. Honestly, you can't go wrong with his canvases-- they are the perfect gift. 


I have been binge-watching "Gilmore Girls" again...I love this show. I can't even contain how much I love this show. If the rumors are true, I CAN'T wait for the mini-series or whatever it is haha. 

My last favorite is my family. They have been amazing these last few weeks with Addison, and I am so lucky to have them.  

I hope you all have had a good week-- bring on the weekend!!!


Sunday, November 29, 2015

So..this week was supposed to be my Week 38 update! I was two weeks away from my due date, feeling pretty good, and ready to finish out the last few days at school. I was planning on getting through at least Monday and Tuesday of school Thanksgiving Week (my longterm substitute was going to shadow me those two days), but the baby had other plans :) 

I plan on sharing the birth story this week, but for now, I am so happy/overjoyed/blessed to introduce the newest member of our family: 

Addison Lynne
Born: November 23, 2015 at 4:54 p.m.
Weight: 6 lbs 6.5 oz
Length: 19 1/2 in

We are so in love with our precious little girl ❤️

Pregnancy Update...Week so close!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

First off-- if you are a regular, daily reader I apologize! I have been so busy making sure everything is ready for the baby that I haven't been able to keep up with blogging. Once everything settles down (potentially after this week haha), I will definitely get back into it! Priority-wise, however, I have to focus on finishing up items around the house and at school. I hope you all can understand and know that I will be back with (hopefully) daily blog posts soon! 

How far along? 37 weeks 5 days 

Size of baby: Winter melon (19-22 inches, 6.5 lbs)

Total weight gain:  23 lbs (I lost a couple pounds this week)

Maternity clothes: Yes-- and I have been so warm all this week! It doesn't help that all I want to wear are scarves! Yesterday, I actually think I overheated a little bit because of my scarf (the sacrifices we make haha). I had to take a break during my last class of the day because I was so warm and uncomfortable. Lesson learned :). I am also still wearing sandals (yes I know it's crazy!)-- but it helps to cool me off! 

Sleep:  Sleep hasn't been that great this week haha-- my back has been aching, baby has been moving A LOT, and I have had to go to the bathroom too much! 

Best moment of the week:  I had a doctors appointment Tuesday and everything is looking status quo! I am measuring where I should be and everything is on track :)  

Oh and finishing my maternity leave sub plans was a pretty good moment too :) Planning 60 days of school work in a short amount of time was harder and more time consuming than I thought it would be. (And this is why teachers try to have their babies during the summertime haha). 

Movement:  Yes!  All of the time AND especially late at night (2 AM or so). Let's hope the baby gets this out of his/her system ;) 

Miss anything: Nothing really-- although I am having a hard time bending down to pick items up haha so I miss being able to do that.  

Food cravings:  A lot of sweet stuff lately (and then I have to balance it with something salty-- anyone else like that?)

Food aversions:  No aversions still!

Symptoms I have:   Constipation (I thought I was done with that haha), backaches, itchiness, and exhaustion...Gosh I sound so whiny! Overall I have felt pretty good-- I just have these few symptoms. 

Gender Predictions: I'm still thinking a girl :)

Looking forward to:  Relaxing this weekend! Oh and potentially setting up our Christmas tree! I know it's early but I feel like it might be a good idea to set it up early just in case! 

Pregnancy Update Week 36!!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

How far along? 36 weeks 5 days 

Size of baby: Large cantaloupe/ honeydew melon (19-22 inches, 6 lbs)

Total weight gain:  25 lbs.... 

Maternity clothes: Yes-- although I have worn a few pre-pregnancy items this week at home (I need to do laundry haha). Let's just say my leggings definitely fit more comfortably when I don't have a huge belly haha. 
Sleep: Depends on the night haha- some nights I wake up four times to go to the bathroom. But then there are nights when I only wake up once.  

Best moment of the week:  I went to the doctors this week and the baby is measuring great and everything is right on schedule! I still think that I will have this baby early, but it's good to know that everything is going as planned. 

Movement:  Yes-- especially after I eat haha. My husband also did the flashlight trick this week where he held his phone flashlight to my belly and the baby moved in response to it. It was so cool! 

Miss anything:  I miss being able to put on my shoes and being able to easily pick items up haha. I also miss being able to sit comfortably-- it seems that no matter what position I am in, I am slightly uncomfortable haha. 

Food cravings:  Just food in general-- and I can't get enough water. I am thirsty ALL OF THE TIME! 

Food aversions: I have had no food aversions thus far! 

Symptoms I have:  Sore feet, bloated ankles, feeling uncomfortable, and some cramping still. 

Gender Predictions: I'm still thinking a girl :)

Looking forward to:  Finishing getting items ready-- I did a whole lot of sterilizing this week and I need to finish my Thank You cards!!!