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{Addison Lynne: 7 & 8 Month Update}

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

So somehow I thought that because I was home this summer, I would have a lot of time to blog and actually keep up with it. Truth is, I did have a lot of time to blog. Another truth, I was horrible at managing my time this summer haha. What did I choose to do? Sleep in, relax, enjoy time with Addison, spend time at my grandparent's pool, and obsessively clean my house. Also, if I didn't already know that I thrive on a schedule, I would have definitely figured that out this summer. I felt like a slacker so much one week that I actually used my school planner and made a plan for myself that week (i.e. what I was supposed to do each day!) It actually helped me so much and I felt very accomplished. Of course that may be because I was able to cross items off once I finished them haha. 

Anyway, this summer has been particularly special for me because of the time I have been able to spend with Addison. I am truly lucky that I was home with her to experience all of the changes she has made over the last two months. While she is almost 9 months at this point (I WILL get better about this haha! I also need to start working on her baby book-- I probably should get that done before she is a year old huh?), here are some highlights from month 7 and 8!

She still loves her jumper and all of the toys on it-- she is starting to turn around on her own and it is so cute to see her reaction when she has discovered a "new" toy haha. Since I have been home, she has also LOVED to sleep on me for her naps. And, I know I need to break her from it before I go back to school, but I mean it is probably one of my favorite things! 

Little miss has also found her flexibility-- honestly, I think she will either be a gymnast or as my dad says (or prays) a hockey goalie ;)

She has been doing SO WELL with eating the pureed food, and we have even started to give her little puffs, bread (when we are at restaurants haha), and other soft items. She is still not sure about picking up the food and putting it in her mouth, but we are working on it! 

She is still happy whenever there is music playing, and her favorite radio station is still Disney Children's Radio on Pandora. Honestly, as soon as she is fussy, we just put that music on and she is a happy camper! 

She has found a love for her swing again-- particularly when she needs to fall asleep. It's great to be able to get some work done while she is taking her naps :) And it doesn't hurt that she is so freaking cute in it while she sleeps! 

She LOVES to give kisses and hugs, and thankfully still loves to cuddle. She has also started to notice things like earrings and jewelry or anything shiny-- we have to be careful haha! 

Addison still loves her bath time-- she still splashes a ton and just has so much fun in the water. She has also loved swimming in my grandparent's pool this summer-- and I have had so much fun watching her. Her kicks are pretty strong, and I wouldn't be surprised if next year she just starts to take off! We have had to be extra careful with her contact, so she has been wearing these super cute goggles (well they look more like sunglasses). 

She has also begun to notice the other babies in my family-- my cousin's son Noah and my sister's son Connor. She has this really curious look on her face when she looks at either of them and it is so cute! 

She still loves car rides, or I assume she loves the car ride haha. She still falls asleep as soon as the car gets going. As soon as the car stops though, you can bet her little eyes pop right open. 

Ugh-- THE PATCH!! The patch has become her nemesis. She even figured out how to take it off this month.....oy.... When the doctor told us she would be used to the patch and be less likely to try to take it off because she has had it on since she was a baby I didn't believe her. And I still don't haha. Addison is one smart cookie and I knew she would figure it out haha. 

She is starting to like going in the pack-in-play to play with her toys. It took her a while to figure out what to do in there, but I think she is getting the hang of it. The first few times we put her down in there she started to cry immediately-- I felt so bad! But after a few reassuring words, she started to grab the toys. 

Sometimes she wakes up from her nap a little rough, and honestly I think it's because she has a hard time adjusting her eye (she usually has a patch on). She can really only see within arms reach with her contact, and I know sometimes it can be difficult for her to focus. Her doctor told us that she might be getting glasses sooner rather than later, and while part of me is sad about that, part of me is excited for her. With the glasses, Addison will be able to see items further away. 

Addison has been a sleeping champ (I probably just jinxed it haha). We still put her to bed around 8:30 and Jim wakes her up around 6:30. We both will have a rude awakening in two weeks when our early schedule starts again. I have to leave my house around 6:20-- so ya that should be fun! 

Addison has been using the hospital provided pacifiers--Soothies-- but a few weeks ago we decided to try to transition her to the MAM pacifiers. The Soothies can be dangerous for babies once they can move the pacifier around/ flip it around, so we opted to switch. Well, little miss did not like the MAM pacifiers AT ALL!! So, we decided to get rid of the pacifiers. Thankfully, Addison only really took the pacifier when she needed to nap or sleep, so the transition wasn't terrible, but it wasn't easy either. I found it challenging the first few nights when we put her to bed because we had to figure out other ways to comfort her without the pacifier. Now, she does really well without it and I am actually glad we were able to remove that so quickly. 

Addison is a pretty good eater, when she wants to eat haha. She definitely knows when she is hungry and has done really well with solid food so far. One thing that has been tough is that after I feed her solid foods, she usually only drinks about 1 oz of formula and I usually have to feed her the rest of it about 30 minutes later. I hope this isn't an issue when I go back to work-- I don't want the sitter, my mom, and my grandmother to be busy feeding her all day. It reminds me of when she was a newborn and would cluster feed! 

Sometimes I wonder if I am doing it all wrong. I know quite a few people that have done/ are doing baby-led weaning and I don't know what is better. I know that for convenience purposes, I have found that pureed food has been easier for me to pack and bring on the go. But then I also feed bad that I am doing things that are "easier" for me, but may not be the best option for Addison. Man, it is hard. 

Addison has been doing so well playing with her toys and is so curious with anything that makes a noise, plays music, or lights up. She still loves her jumper, and as I mentioned above, has started to play in her pack-in-play. I do think I need to get her a few more sophisticated toys from home-- my grandparents have some of the cutest little things that are a little more advanced than the toys I have at home haha. 

I would say, though, that her favorite times are when we play with her. This little one loves interacting with us and knowing that we are right there with her :) 

Firsts/Major Changes: 
  • Transitioning from sitting up to laying down
  • Standing with support 
  • Sits on her own for a long period of time! 
  • Grabs hair, earrings, jewelry
  • Clapping hooray 
  • Says mama, dada, bubba, and I swear more haha 
  • Has started to reach for me to pick her up (love this) 
  • Is starting to notice temperature, especially cold items 
  • LOVES popsicles (don't worry-- we suck out all of the juice and only the ice part is left) 
  • Starting to grunt when she is cranky. I'm not sure what I prefer at this point: crying or grunting haha
  • Making silly faces when we make silly faces at her
The past few months have also been crazy busy with my sister-in-law having a baby in July and my own sister having her baby a week after my sister-in-law. Baby fever is in full force!!

I honestly wouldn't trade this summer for anything. It was definitely different staying home and not working, but it has been the very best. I have had such an amazing summer with her and I just want to remember each and every moment! There are only two weeks left, and I am already sad about it :( But--- little miss just woke up-- so that's all for now! I will be back soon to update you on her 9 month progress, and to share some exciting news!! 

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