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{Addison Lynne: 3 Months}

Sunday, February 28, 2016

This month has brought many changes-- filled with many ups and a few downs. Addison had her very much anticipated eye surgery (you can read about that experience here) and we finally have her contacts (we were supposed to get them a week after her surgery-- and ended up waiting about two weeks to get them). We learned how to put the dang contact in her eye. It has been challenging, but I am hopeful I will figure out a good system soon. I psyche myself out, and it takes me no less than three times to get the contact in and take it out at night. We also have to patch her good eye for most of the day, and I am just hoping that everything goes as planned and she will start seeing out of her left eye. 

Addison also experience her first cold, courtesy of yours truly. I tried so hard to contain my cold, but alas, four days after I started to feel congested, little miss started with a terrible cough. I ended up bringing her in to urgent care just to make sure everything was okay (particularly her breathing), and the doctor was actually impressed that this was her first cold. It made me feel a little better! She and I are finally on the mend, thank goodness, as I am planning my return to work within a week and a half. 
While it has been an interesting month, she has been such a champ through it all. Now, she definitely has had her moments-I call her the happiest, crankiest baby haha. But she has been through so much in these past two months, I can't blame her. 

She still LOVES her bath, loves to rest on daddy, prefers to suck on her thumb over taking a pacifier (it actually makes her cry more when we give it to her), and loves getting a bath. She is starting to splash and kick her legs in the water- I am excited about bringing her into my grandparent's pool this summer. 
She loves getting kisses, loves listening to music/white noise, loves being in the car (but you best be moving), enjoys her rock-in-play and swing IMMENSELY, and is really starting to coo and smile more. She even giggled a little the other day while I was kissing her nose (well at least I think it was a giggle haha). 
She prefers to be held still vs anything else-- she is the best snuggler right now. When she is cranky, you best be moving-- she only calms down if you walk her around. We don't even try to sit down unless she is in a deep sleep haha she just knows!

Still isn't a huge fan of tummy time, HATES to be cold (especially after her bath), doesn't mind the regular doctor's office, but isn't a huge fan of the eye doctor, dislikes her patch (who wouldn't?), and isn't a happy camper when she wakes up from a nap. 


Addison has been sleeping fairly well this past month, although this week was a little tough with her cold. She takes a few naps during the day (I need to figure out her schedule for her sitter haha), and then at night sleeps for about 6-7 hours (I am SO lucky!). 

I am still exclusively breastfeeding, although the past week, Addison has been taking a bottle a day. She does really well with a bottle-- I have mixed feelings about this haha. On the one hand, it will make the transition easier when I go back to work. On the other hand, I will miss this special time with her. She still goes about 2-2.5 hours in between feedings, but I am trying to work on getting her to consistently feed every 3 hours. It would just make life easier for her babysitters.  

Addison is such a cutie when we are playing with her on the bed, on the couch, and on her playmat. She has the biggest smiles, and I can't wait until she laughs and giggles more. Since we have to patch her good eye, I am not sure how much she is seeing lately. We are trying to work on her focusing abilities with her left eye, but I know it will take some time. It's as if her brain needs to be re-introduced to that eye. I am hoping that next month, we will have made significant progress with this. 

Firsts/ Major Changes
She had her first surgery this month, and we now have a contact for the left eye. 
She is 10 lbs 7 oz. 
She has started to give us what I like to call "kisses" :)
She giggled for the first time this month. 
She got her first cold this month :(
She has started to "whine" this month-- she really knows how to complain in the cutest way possible. 

As we speak, I have to change a certain someone's diaper, and thankfully that's about it for now! Until next time :) 


Monday, February 22, 2016

 Today (well tonight technically haha), I am linking up with B Loved Boston and Champagne and Suburbs for Weekending... 

- Friday night, my husband and I went out to dinner with my parents and my youngest sister Nicole to Not Your Average Joe's. They have really good bread (not as good as Bertucci's bread haha), and amazing pizza. We had such a good time, and Addison slept the ENTIRE time! 

- Saturday, I woke up feeling terrible. My head was pounding,  my nose was stuffed, and my throat hurt. I hate colds. I hate them. I REALLY didn't want Addison to get my cold, so I washed my hands CONSTANTLY-- I was getting a little OCD about it. 
- We planned on visiting my husband's family in the afternoon (it had been a few weeks since they had seen Addison) and we were supposed to leave our house by 1 pm.  However, a mid-morning nap interfered with these plans (all three of us napped-- and we hadn't set an alarm!). While I thoroughly enjoyed our nap, I had to rush to get ready. I quickly tossed my hair into a messy bun, put a little bit of make-up on, and we were out the door by 2:30. Timing fail haha. 
- We had such a great time visiting with my in-laws and my niece and nephew. They LOVE Addison and it was so cute to watch them interact with her. 
- We got home late Saturday night, and because Addison's feedings had been a little off, I stayed up till 12 to feed her. My husband kept me company and we watched a little bit of Saturday Night Live. It was funny-- but definitely not what it used to be. 

- Sunday morning came early, and I heard Addison stirring at 7 AM and I just wanted a little more time to sleep! I had fed her at about 5 AM and we didn't get back to sleep until 6. Jim ended up taking her downstairs so I could sleep until 8 AM-- it was blissful. 
- We went to church, and Addison was pretty good haha. She was still super loud-- when she is eating, playing and even breathing haha. But at least she didn't have a crying spell where I had to take her out of the church this time! 
- When we got back from church, I snagged these cute pics of the little one: 

- I still wasn't feeling quite right, so before we went to my grandparent's house for dinner, I took a little nap. 
- When I woke up, my daughter was smiling and cooing at my husband and it was perfect.  
- We had dinner at my grandparent's, planned a family trip to Quebec, and then relaxed at home. 

Although I wish I hadn't been sick for most of the weekend, it was still a pretty good weekend. I got to spend time with the people I love the most. 

Friday Favorites-- Etsy Edition

Friday, February 19, 2016


Today, I am linking up with MomfessionalsA Little Bit of Everything, and Grace and Love for Friday Favorites, and A. Liz AdventuresCarolina CharmHello! Happiness, and The Good Life for 5 on Friday. 
I am also linking up with Meet At the Barre for Friday Favorites and The Farmer's Wife for Oh,Hey Friday!

I thought it would be fun to share five of my favorite items from Etsy. I love browsing Etsy and choosing unique and personal gift items . I have used Etsy to purchase many gifts-- all of my bridesmaid gifts were found on Etsy and many baby gifts I have given have been purchased through the site.  I also find that shipping costs are reasonable and the items arrive in a timely manner. Seriously, whoever thought of Etsy deserves an award :)

1. Bar Necklace:
My cousin and one of my best friends both just had babies (everybody's got baby fever :)) and I wanted to get them something special. I love the idea of meaningful and personalized jewelry, and these bar necklaces from Blushes and Gold are PERFECT! You can choose between silver, gold, and rose gold. You can personalize them however you want-- there are multiple font choices and styles to choose from. The necklaces came in less than a week, and both my cousin and my friend are in love with them. 

2. Monogram Necklace:
This is probably one of my favorite purchases from Etsy...ever... haha. I purchased these monogrammed necklaces for my bridesmaids and my mom and I loved it so much-- I purchased one for myself. This necklace is reasonably priced and is extremely durable. 

3. Nursing Cover:
Last year, I was able to snag a free nursing cover during National Breastfeeding Day (I am not sure that is the exact name for it haha) BUT I was looking to get a new one. I also wanted to get my sister her first pregnancy gift! I wanted to gift her something practical but cute for when the baby comes. The really nice part about this nursing cover is that it has a burp cloth attached at the bottom. So convenient! 

4. Baby Closet Organizers:
My sister is having a boy (yay!) and she has decided to do a nautical theme for the nursery. Once I found these organizers, I just couldn't help myself! I had to get them!  Honestly, I thought organizers were a silly thing-- BUT oh my gosh! Now that I have a baby of my own, I wish I had gotten them!!!!! I had so many people buy me adorable clothes for Addison-- and all different sizes (which was totally awesome and smart). The tough part? Figuring out which clothes are which size in the closet. I spent at least a minute or two trying to remember which clothes are her correct size (for right now). These organizers would have been perfect and because I want to make my sister's life easier, I decided to get her these organizers so she can be prepared. 

5. Baby Name Pillow: 
When my college friend had her first baby, I found this adorable pillow on Etsy. Although my husband and I didn't choose our daughter Addison's name because of what the name meant (literally means Adam's son haha)-- for some, the meaning of the name is really important and special. I think this would be such a nice gift to give new parents-- something they could keep forever. 

I hope you enjoyed this little special Friday Favorites edition! What are your favorite Etsy stores or gifts? I would love to hear about them! 

Addison's Cataract Surgery

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Yes- I am finally getting around to writing about Addison's surgery! I have been spending a lot of time with family this past week, and Addison has had a few appointments, so we have been really busy. I can't complain-- I got to spend time with my favorite little human the whole time :) 

Surgery Day:
Addison's surgery was scheduled for Friday February 5th at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, MA. We were required to be there by 6 AM to check-in and complete some paperwork (there is always paperwork!). The day before, we learned that New England was going to be hit with a storm-- the amount wasn't the issue-- it was the timing. It was set to come during the morning commute, essentially right when we would be traveling into the city. We live about an hour and fifteen minutes from Boston, but we were meeting my mom in NH so that she could drive with us. Because of the variables (and the snow), we decided to leave our house at about 3:30 AM. Yes 3:30-- oh and the last time I could feed Addison was at 2:30 AM-- so needless to say I didn't sleep that much that night. Although to be honest- I'm not sure I would have been able to sleep anyway. 

I caught these pictures the morning of her surgery before we left the house-- could she be any cuter?! 

We met my mom in Nashua, NH at 4:00 and we were on our way. We left so early in case we hit traffic/ it started to snow, we would at least be early and not late for the surgery. We ended up getting into Boston in record time haha. It didn't snow on our drive there, and there was absolutely NO traffic. We got there around 5-- and had plenty of time to wait. All we wanted was coffee, but of course nothing was open until at least 6:30! I wonder what the nurses and doctors who work the nightshift do?! So we just walked around a little bit-- it took us a while to find the surgery center haha-- and just waited for the check-in window to open. We checked in at about 6 AM, and prepared ourselves for pre-op. Addison was supposed to be under anesthesia at 6:30 (her surgery was scheduled for 7:30)-- but the place was packed! They were running a little behind and there was only one nurse getting people all set (the other nurse didn't show!). The one nurse came in hastily, and asked us to wake up Addison. Poor thing was still tired, and started to get upset. The nurse quickly weighed Addison and all the while, I was trying to calm her down. Immediately afterwards, the nurse  hooked her up to monitor her breathing. At this point-- Addison started to really cry and the nurse became flustered. She was worried about Addison's breathing and oxygen levels-- but she was crying so obviously the levels were a little off. The nurse didn't have time to worry about it so she just kept trying to get a good read, but Addison was not having it. Her little legs were flailing! Finally, she got a good read and then told us that the anesthesiologist would be in shortly. 

We waited for another 30 minutes or so-- and we were visited by another nurse and the anesthesiologist. The nurse checked in with us about the surgery, explained that she would be the nurse in the room and that she would take care of Addison. It was really comforting to hear someone say something like that. The anesthesiologist then came in to discuss what she would be doing with Addison. She asked about Addison's breathing-- it is technically called striders/ trachea malaysia. She only breathes that way when she is hungry, excited, or starting to cry. It sounds slightly challenged, almost as if she has to clear her throat. It is something that should clear itself up by the time she is six months old, but it was good for the anesthesiologist to be aware of this. Now by this point, Addison was asleep again, and the anesthesiologist really wanted to know what the breathing sounded like-- thankfully I had a video to show her. She was so glad that she knew what Addison's baseline would be, and I have to say that we were all grateful for that as well. When the anesthesiologist was done her pre-op process, she left but told us she would be back relatively soon to take Addison. 

Addison's main pediatric ophthalmologist came in around the same time for a pre-op discussion, and I have to say that I was so glad to see a familiar face. She went through the surgery process with us again, checked and marked Addison's eye, and reassured us that everything would go great! She told us that once the surgery was done, she would check in with us right away. She also told us that the surgery itself would take about an hour and half, but with the preparations (anesthesia, ultra sound and necessary eye measurements), it would be more like two hours. I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to wait that long! She assured us that Addison was in good hands- and then left the room to prepare for the surgery. 

We then waited, and waited, and waited for the anesthesiologist to come back but she never did.  Finally, the main nurse came back in and said there would be another anesthesiologist starting the process because the first was summoned for an emergency. I was a little frustrated, just because I felt so comfortable with the previous anesthesiologist but that's how it goes haha. The new one checked in with us and reviewed the paperwork, and assured us that everything would be okay. I mean-- we really had no choice at this point-- we had to trust him haha. The nurse did tell us that the original anesthesiologist would come into the surgery room as soon as she could to make sure everything was okay-- and that made me feel a lot better. I mean when you see a lot of medical personnel, it can be overwhelming, so anytime one of them reassured me, I felt so much better. Finally, they were ready to take Addison. Thankfully, they were putting her under in the surgical room (I had heard rumors that parents held their children while being put under anesthesia) so I kissed my precious baby and we left to wait for the surgery to be done. 

Now at this point it was probably about 8/8:15 and all three of us needed coffee. Desperately. We knew there was a Dunkin Donuts somewhere, but we just didn't know where exactly. We were directed to the first floor and we were still lost haha. We finally found the Dunkin Donuts in a small corner of the hospital. It was probably the smallest Dunkin Donuts I have ever seen and it was PACKED! There was hardly any room to order and their "waiting" area was even smaller. My husband hates crowds and gets very claustrophobic, so I offered to get our stuff to let him wait down the hall. It was such a good idea on my part haha-- he definitely couldn't have handled it. 

Once we got our coffee and treats, we sat down at a table in their cafeteria (if you can call it that) and just talked to keep our minds occupied. We decided that we would head back up to the waiting room at 10, and once we made it back up there, Addison was out of surgery. We were allowed to go see her in the recovery area (there were multiple beds)- and seeing her almost broke my heart. She did wonderfully but seeing her hooked up to all the machines again, just brought back the memories from a few weeks ago. 

The nurse told us that she did amazingly well, and that she was going to be a little tired and irritable from the anesthesia. When she started to stir, I was so happy! I just wanted to cuddle my sweet little girl. Since she hadn't eaten since 2:30 AM, I figured she would be really hungry. I had pumped breastmilk during our wait time, so I thought it would be perfect to give her a bottle when she woke up. I grabbed my little one in my arms, kissed her incessantly, and then started to feed her the bottle. She started eating well, but then something changed. She was coughing and choking, and not breathing normally. It was as if she was gasping for air-- and just couldn't catch her breath. I started to get nervous and the nurse immediately took her and signaled for another nurse to come by. My husband then took Addison to try to calm her down.Her oxygen and breathing levels were off, and they used a nebulizer to stabilize her. It took for what seemed like forever, but she finally settled down. My husband placed Addison back in the hospital crib and she was continuously monitored. It was a very scary time-- it was difficult to watch Addison struggle so much with breathing. 

The nurse instructed us to let Addison rest-- so we waited next to her. While we were waiting, we noticed that all of the kids that came out of anesthesia were having a difficult time. The kids would cry and were irritable-- it was difficult to listen to that. 

Once Addison woke up again, she was crying and visibly upset. The only thing that calmed her down was having us hold her hands and place her pacifier in her mouth. The poor thing-- it was so hard to watch. We comforted her like that for a few hours. The anesthesiologist checked in with us and told us she was concerned with Addison's breathing. She told us that she might need to stay over if her breathing wasn't regulated by the afternoon (ugh) but that it looked like it was getting back to normal. Although we did not want to have to stay over, my husband and I were glad that they were taking precautions in making sure everything with Addison was okay. 

A few more hours passed, and Addison was somewhat back to normal. The pediatric ophthalmologist that performed the surgery came to check in with us (she had a surgery right after Addison's so she couldn't speak to us right away). She said the surgery went great, and that her stitches would dissolve within two weeks. We scheduled a follow-up appointment of the following day to make sure everything was okay and to get her medicated drops. 

After our check-in with the pediatric ophthalmologist, the anesthesiologist came back and told us that Addison's levels were great and that if we felt comfortable, we were cleared to bring her home. We were so excited!!! I fed the little lady (not from a bottle-- I still think that was part of the problem earlier in the day with her breathing), and we packed up to go home. 

Even though it had snowed, we were able to get home by 4 pm and it felt great to just rest. We ate a light dinner, relaxed and all went to bed early. It had been such a long day! 

Here is the little lady with her lovely patch :) 

We had an appointment with the doctor the following morning where we learned the eye drop schedule. Thankfully, her eye looked great and was healing really well. There were three medications given to us-- one we had to give 8 times a day, one we had to give 4 times a day, and one gel-like medication we had to give her once a day. It was a little overwhelming to say the least! I had to use the list portion on my phone to keep track! 

Addison with her shield-- at least it is clear! 

We had another follow-up appointment the Thursday after her surgery, and we were supposed to get her contact, but the company messed up the order. So---- we go this Thursday to hopefully get her contact. This is the part I am nervous about-- it just seems so difficult! However, I will do whatever it takes for Addison to see out of that eye. 

I will update you all after our appointment Thursday (fingers crossed)! It has been such a journey already-- but a necessary and worthwhile one. 

Weekending....First Weekend in February

Monday, February 8, 2016

  I am linking up with B Loved Boston and Champagne and Suburbs for Weekending... 

After a long and tiring weekend,  I am trying to catch up on laundry, lesson planning, insurance calls, scheduling, and oh ya, sleep. I am also trying to get in as many snuggles as I can with my little love. I hope you can all understand :)

With that said, check out the blog later this week for an update on Addison and her cataract surgery. 
For now-- here are a couple pictures of our recuperating little girl. Isn't she just the sweetest? :)

Thoughts For Thursday....Stream of Consciousness

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Today, I am linking up with Annie from Home of Malones and Natalie from East Coast Chic for:

  • Tomorrow is Addison's cataract surgery and I have mixed emotions. On the one hand, I can't wait to start the process-- but on the other hand, I am nervous for the recovery. 
  • I am starting to plan my return to work (in four weeks), and I want a realistic pumping schedule. I am a teacher and so I can't just take 10 minute breaks whenever I want-- I have to strategically plan when I will pump. I think I have a plan, but I am worried about leaking, engorgement, and the general stress that comes with returning to work. 
  • How do you working moms do it? As it is-- I hardly have time to cook, clean, do the laundry, and take care of little miss. I hate asking for help-- especially when I am still at home-- but sometimes I just need an afternoon to myself to just tackle all of the projects I want to do! 
  • I am nervous to go back to work-- I am worried I won't be on my "A" game and that it will be a struggle. I take my school work so seriously, but I know that with a baby, I won't be able to do as much as I was doing before my maternity leave. 
  • The weather outside has been BEAUTIFUL! Today it is 50 degrees outside, and it smells like spring! I am loving being able to walk around with Addison in February. (Although I just saw a report that it is supposed to snow tomorrow-- meh).
  • Recently, I have fallen back in love with Grey's Anatomy. It was a college staple-- my friends and I would gather on Thursday nights in my dorm room and watch it all together. There were many nights when we would study afterwards, but be so distracted from the show that it made it almost impossible to focus! 
  • Any at-home Valentine's Day ideas? We are trying to save money, and I was thinking we could do a night in instead of a night out.
  • I am so thankful for my husband and family-- they have provided so much support in the last couple months. 
  • I need to start working out again--but I am so unmotivated!!! I just need to get over myself and start haha
  • I really want to create a nice space in the office for a desk and play area for Addie. Right now- the office is our dumping ground and it is just filled with so much "stuff."
And that's pretty much what I have been thinking about all day! Can't wait to see what you all have been up to this week :)

{Addison Lynne: 2 Months}

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

I am a little late, but Addison Lynne is 2 months old! I can't believe my little sweetie is no longer a "newborn"! She has changed so much in the past month-- and it has been so fun watching her grow and develop. 
I am about a week and a half late haha-- but better late than never right? Plus-- we were in the hospital on the actual day she turned 2 months old so I was a little preoccupied! That didn't stop this girl from smiling up a storm after our first MRI attempt. If you haven't read my posts on her hospital visit, you find them here, here, and here

She LOVES her swing. Her swing has little bears that dangle, and she is starting to smile and coo at them. She also loves anything with motion: the car, walking, being in the stroller or a carriage, if it involves movement, she is sure to be content. 
She also likes her bath-- she just doesn't like when it's done and I'm wrapping her in a towel. Poor girl doesn't like to be cold! 
She LOVES snuggling in the morning- and of course I love it too. This is definitely something I will miss when I return to work. 
She likes to rest on her daddy-- there is something about the way he holds her that comforts her completely. 
She is also starting to favor her thumb instead of a pacifier and it is so cute!
She also loves getting her diaper changed-- her biggest smiles are usually while I am changing her! 
This is a new one-- she loves the sound of rain!

She really does not like tummy time- although what baby does like tummy time at her age? :) 

She has been really gassy lately, and does NOT like that at all. She has a new cry-- it is definitely associated with gas. 
She doesn't always like to be upright on my shoulder- she has to be in the mood to be in that position :) 
Burping isn't her favorite either-- she can be really stubborn and I almost feel like she sometimes resists the burp! 
She doesn't like hats, but doesn't mind headbands-- thank goodness! 

For the past week and a half, she has been sleeping pretty well. She naps during the day (still not on a schedule yet-- her surgery is Friday and I figured her schedule would be messed up anyway), and is sleeping for 5-6 hour stretches at night. It is glorious! She typically will fall asleep around 9/10 and won't wake up until about 4/5 AM. It is great! 
In the next week or so (after her surgery), I am going to try to put her on a flexible schedule just so that we are ready for when I return to work. We shall see how this goes!

I am still breastfeeding and during the day, Addison will go 2-3 hours in between feedings. She has been a great feeder the whole time, and I consider myself EXTREMELY lucky. She was a pro at breastfeeding from day 1, and I have been trying to catch up ever since haha. 

Addison has really started to engage and focus on items and people lately. While she isn't really playing with toys, after feedings, I try to keep her awake for a little bit. I talk to her, play with her, interact with her, and try to have her focus on me. She smiles, coos, moves around, and really tries to talk back. I don't know how this will change after her surgery, but I am hoping my smiley little girl will still be up for it! 

Firsts/ Major Changes
She had her first real trip to the hospital this month (aside from being born). 
She put her thumb in her mouth "for real" this month. 
She was babysit for a whole day by my grandparents this month (while I attended a make-up class). 
She has grown out of her newborn clothes :( 
Her hair is changing color-- it is starting to have a reddish tint. 
Her cry is becoming more mature-- and sounds less like her newborn cry. She is also starting to get a whiny cry that I find totally adorable. 
She is starting to move her arms and legs so much more this month and she is so strong! When I hold her up, she is able to stand on my legs. I have a feeling she is going to be one of those babies that skips crawling and goes right to standing and walking! 
She is also really starting to show her personality-- she is funny, sassy, stubborn, easy-going and super sweet. 

I can't wait to see how this little goober changes over the next month-- but I am certainly not wishing away the days :) 

Weekend Adventure and Addison's Medical Update: Final Post

Monday, February 1, 2016

I honestly didn't think it would take three posts to finish writing about our ordeal with Addison. But once I started writing, I realized I wanted to write every detail. I wanted to remember exactly what happened that weekend. If you missed the first two posts, you can find them here and here

The last post, I left off by stating that I had to feed Addison at 3 AM to prepare her for the MRI. Once I fed her, we both went back to bed. I tried to sleep-- but you know how it is in a hospital. The creaking bed, the repetitious beeping noises, the constant murmur of voices, do not help to soothe one to sleep.  Add in one snoring husband, and I probably got a couple of hours of sleep that night. 

Sunday morning, Jim and I were anxious. We weren't told when she was going to have the MRI, just that it was going to happen. We ordered breakfast, showered, played with Addison, and tried to distract ourselves. Every time the nurse came in, we were hopeful, but the answer was always "I don't know when it will happen." What made me nervous was that Addison had gone a long time without eating. At about 10, I finally asked a nurse what the situation was. Addison was started to get hungry and agitated. The nurse told us she would find out what was going on. A doctor then came in and told us that she wanted to refrain from using any sedation methods on Addison for the MRI. In order to make this happen, they needed Addison asleep. They instructed me to wait to feed her until right before the MRI (which we had just found out was going to be at noon) so that she would fall into a deep sleep. I was fearful that the plan wasn't going to work, but how do you tell a doctor that you don't think your daughter will cooperate? Jim and I tried to keep Addison occupied until about 11:30 but it was hard! We finally got to 11:30 and I fed Addison. She did fall asleep, but I know my daughter. Sometimes instead of falling into a deep sleep after feeding, she "pretends" to sleep. Sometimes feeding her actually wakes her up. Therefore, I was nervous for the MRI. 

The medical transporter came, and this time I asked my husband to come with us to the MRI unit. We placed her in the hospital crib and she started to stir. I looked at my husband and we both just braced ourselves. 

She slept the whole ride to the MRI unit. We had to wait a few minutes while they were finishing up another MRI, and in that time Addison started to wake-up. It started with a doctor talking loudly, and culminated when a door slammed shut. She woke up and started to fuss. I quickly picked her up trying to soothe her. She started to become agitated; she probably wanted to be awake and here I was trying to put her back to sleep. The technician told us that one of us should go with Addison into the MRI room. I agreed, but I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. The tech started asking me questions; it was honestly a blur. I had to take all of my jewelry off, my sweatshirt (it had a metal zipper), and I braced myself. I honestly thought I was just going to be in the room with Addison, not inside the MRI machine. Boy was I in for it. 

The tech brought Addison and myself to the MRI room, and instructed me to place Addison down on the board. She started strapping Addison in, and at this point Addison was completely awake. Her eyes were wide, and I could tell she was going to start crying. The tech told me to try to soothe her while she was placing the straps across Addison's chest. Then, the tech started to secure her head and that is really when Addison lost it. She started screaming--- not just crying-- but screaming. It broke my heart. I know that she wasn't really hurting, but it was still hard to watch. The tech told me to lay down on top of Addison (the bottom half) and told me that it was my job to keep her head straight and hold her pacifier in her mouth. I had to hold her jaw with my hands and secure them in place. The tech told me to use slight force, and that it was imperative that I not allow Addison's head to move. Before going into the machine, the tech handed me a button to use if we needed to be let out of the machine. 

In order to fit inside the MRI machine, I had to place my head at an angle (the left side of my face was down on the board). I wouldn't say I am claustrophobic, but I was definitely uncomfortable in the machine. All I could think about was Addison and making sure that the MRI was done correctly. She cried the entire time. The entire time. I started to cry, and I almost pressed the button a few times. I prayed hard. I prayed so hard. I knew that we needed the MRI done so that we could make sure there weren't any major problems with Addison's brain, but it was probably one of the worst experiences of my life. I couldn't even look in my baby's eyes to comfort her. She had a helmet type apparatus over her head, and I can only imagine what she was thinking. I kept saying to myself-- she will not remember this. But boy, I will never forget. I just kept praying and hoping it would be over soon. There was a moment, probably half way through (although the tech never told me how long it would be), when the tech came in and I thought "Thank God we are done!" But much to my disappointment, she told me I was doing a good job but I had to try to stop moving. She told me we were almost done, just a few more tests left, and I almost lost it. It was too much. Even writing about it now, I remember how I felt in that machine. When the tech left, I just started to kiss my baby's legs and whisper it was okay. I had to squeeze her jaw even harder because at this point she was crying so hard I couldn't hear myself think. In between praying, I also was telling myself to get my s**t together because there was no way we were doing this MRI again. I knew my husband would be disappointed if we had to do the process again. That is what kept me going-- making sure I wouldn't disappoint my husband. There was a point during the process where I started to to panic and freak out, but thankfully soon after that moment we were taken out of the machine. 

The tech couldn't get the straps off of poor Addie fast enough. I grabbed her as soon as I could to comfort her. She was sweating through her onesie and I could feel how fast her heart was beating. But-- you should have seen her face. She was relieved. She immediately stopped crying, and just clung to me. I was shaking, and I could hardly walk. Jim asked me how I was doing, and I couldn't say anything. I was in a total state of shock. He took Addison and just let me gain my composure. I asked the tech if she thought it was an okay MRI or if she thought we would have to do it again, and she said we did the best we could. I hoped it was enough. 

When we finally got Addison back to the hospital room, she was still a little out of it. 

I mean the poor thing! Look at her :/

A precious smile after her intense ordeal. 

We were resting in the hospital room, when the doctor called me to let us know that the MRI was normal! No lesions, hemorrhage, tumor, nothing! We were so happy! The doctor then said that at this time, all of the major avenues had been investigated. She wasn't sure why Addison was fluttering, but it wasn't caused by any of those major issues in the brain. Our next step, she said, was to see a neurological ophthalmologist to see if it is a problem with her eyes or a brain misfire. More testing is needed. While we were a little discouraged, we were extremely glad it wasn't anything big like a tumor or lesion. Our next plan of action is to see a specialist. 

We were discharged that afternoon, and to say we were happy would be an understatement! As we were leaving, I looked in the hospital room next to us. There was a tiny baby, even smaller than Addison there with her mother. I don't know what was going on with that baby, but I felt for her mama. I gave the mom an encouraging smile. We were only in the hospital for two days, but it was certainly an ordeal. I can't imagine having to be in the hospital more than that with my child. I pray for all families who do spend a lot of time in a hospital. I can't imagine having to go through that. As a mom, you have to be so strong, while having a variety of emotions yourself. 

So there you have it. Our experience. I certainly won't forget it, but I am so glad we had the outcome we did (so far). I will keep you posted in this journey, as Addison has her cataract surgery Friday. As always, thank you for reading. 

Weekending... Cabin Fever!

 Today, I am linking up with B Loved Boston and Champagne and Suburbs for Weekending... 

We had BEAUTIFUL weather this weekend and we were lucky enough to enjoy it! It looks as though we will survive this winter without being completely snowed in :) I have mixed emotions about it haha.

During the day Friday, I had cabin fever and I was losing it haha. We were instructed by the doctor to try to refrain from bringing Addison to public places. It is really important that she is not sick for her surgery this Friday, so I have been staying inside for the past week and a half with her. I do all of my errands when my husband is home with her, so that I don't have to bring her to places like the grocery store or pharmacy. I absolutely LOVE my time with Addison, but I have a hard time just staying put. My several snapchats to everyone Friday definitely displayed my need to get out! 
Friday afternoon, my husband was able to come home relatively early. He had a networking event in Boston, MA, but was home by about 4 which was such a nice surprise! We had a low key night-- we ate leftover meatloaf and vegetables. The meatloaf was terrible-- I had to force myself to eat it (I feel bad wasting food). 
Aside from the awful dinner, we had a really great night just the three of us. We rented "The Intern"-- wow such a great movie. It was funny, charming, and has a great message. Even my husband liked it haha. 

Due to my desire to get out and about, my parents offered to babysit Addison while Jim and I went to the movies and got dinner. We decided to see "Star Wars" and it did not disappoint! I also decided to get a beer (something I had been craving), and it was delicious! Well worth the wait :) 

Beer and quesadillas-- I mean does it get any better than that?! 

Sunday we slept in and it felt WONDERFUL! Jim then made us breakfast :) which was also very nice. It was GORGEOUS outside-- about 50 degrees-- so we decided to take advantage of it. Jim really needed new boots, so we headed to the outlets. While Jim looked at shoes, Addison and I walked around the outdoor outlets and just enjoyed the fresh air. It felt AMAZING! I didn't take her out of her carseat, and I kept her safe/protected so that she wouldn't be exposed to anything. But- it was so nice to take her outside! 
Sunday afternoon, we went to my grandparents for dinner. Addison was loved on the whole time, and I just can't believe how lucky I am. Never in a million years could I imagine how good  my life could be. 

And that's pretty much my weekend (aside from trying to sneak a few views of "Grease" while my husband was distracted haha). Quiet, full of family time, and beautiful weather! 

Hope you all had a great weekend too!