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Friday Favorites and 5 on Friday!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Happy Friday everyone! We made it! And  I am so thankful it is Friday-- my vacation starts today! We leave for Florida on Sunday, and to say am I am excited would be an understatement. We (staff and students) all need this vacation! When we come back from vacation, we will only have about 7 weeks left in the school year. I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone.

Today, I am linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for Friday Favorites and April from A. Liz Adventures for 5 on Friday.

{FAVORITE ONE: Chino Shorts from J. Crew}
J.Crew - 4" chino short

I am absolutely in love with these shorts from J. Crew. They come in a variety of colors, and there is not only a great deal going on right now on their website, but if you have an outlet store near you, they are also on sale! Go now! 

{FAVORITE TWO: Time to Read and Relax!}
During my vacation in Florida, I am allowing myself to relax. I am bringing minimal school work, and instead I am taking with me books that I have been unable to read the last few months. I am giving myself the time to not think about anything, or worry about responsibilities (which is huge for me!) 

{FAVORITE THREE: Spring Breakfast Recipe}
Lemon Blueberry Overnight Baked French Toast with Lemon Syrup
As I was searching through Pinterest (while I was supposed to be lesson planning haha), I came across this amazing Spring recipe from Five Heart Home. I cannot wait to try this! 

{FAVORITE FOUR: Sea-Band Wristbands}
Adult Pack
Aside from the fact that I am petrified of flying-- like seriously afraid-- I get motion sickness. These Sea-Band wristbands work like magic! Thank goodness for them :) 

{FAVORITE FIVE: Trees and Flowers Starting to Bud}
We FINALLY are starting to see our cherry trees, crabapple trees and flowers starting to bud. I love the fresh, clean, pretty look of new buds and growing flowers. It really is starting to look like Sprign around here :) 

Well, I hope you all have enjoyed your week! Now-- onto the weekend and vacation! :) 

Weekending :)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Hello everyone and happy Monday! Today, I am linking up with B Loved Boston and Champagne and Suburbs for Weekending....

This weekend was filled with a lot of family time, which I always love :) 

~ Afterschool Friday (after a very stressful Friday mind you), I was more than happy to get outside on the beautiful day! I ended up attending my sister Jocelyn's softball game, and although it was windy, I LOVED having the sun shine on my face! While Jocelyn's team put up a good fight, they unfortunately lost. They looked like a solid team, however, so I have no doubt they will be competitive. I was also pleasantly surprised to see my youngest sister dressed for the game as well. You see, all of us girls played softball growing up. I loved it. My dad coached, and I had such a fun time playing softball-- even through high school. Well, Nicole played softball from elementary school to junior high, but this year (her Freshman year in high school), she decided to try track, specifically pole-vaulting. I thought she would love it! She would be flying through the air, attempting to reach over the bar- very similar to her position in cheerleading (being a flyer--the person in the air haha). Lets just say it wasn't her thing :) Since they needed players on the JV softball team, Nicole was able to join after the season started. She looked so happy Friday- sometimes you have to leave something in order to realize how much you enjoyed it. 

~ Friday night, I made quesadillas for dinner (which actually came out pretty good). Jim and I watched Mr. Peabody and Sherman-- such a cute movie! I absolutely loved it-- it was funny and had such a great message.  

~ Saturday morning we met up with my mom and a few of my sisters for brunch at IHOP. Although it was very good, I was craving the cinnamon swirl pancakes they used to have-- I think they were called Cinnistacks?  Anyone else upset they took this off of the menu?!! 
~ Saturday afternoon was spent grading and organizing the house-- such fun :) 
~ Saturday night, I met up with my parents and my sister Sarah for dinner and boy was I spoiled! Appetizer, meal, and a dessert! Nothing like going out to dinner with your parents :) 

~ After church, I went for a much needed and relaxing walk around the neighborhood. It is really the first weekend that has been nice and warm outside! I had to soak it in :) 
~ We spent the rest of the afternoon and dinner at my grandparents house. We were outside for the greater portion, and to say I was happy would be an understatement. 

Overall, it was such a great weekend. I hope you all had a great one too! 

Also--T-minus 5 days until vacation!!!! I cannot wait-- Jim and I really need this vacation/ honeymoon haha. 

Friday Favorites and 5 on Friday.....and I'm sorry!

Friday, April 17, 2015


Hello everyone! Long time no see, huh? First, I want to apologize to you all. This week has been CRAZY! From still being sick, to getting pretty good news (I will share soon!), to being overwhelmed by grading and quarter 3 grades, to lots of family time, to complete exhaustion, lets just say I am ready for this week to end. I had fully intended to complete posts all this week, but I just didn't have the energy or the stamina. Which really stinks, since I absolutely love blogging. Side note: How do you all fit it in every day each week?! What's your advice? HOW DO YOU ALL DO THIS?! You all are amazing btw :) 

Putting all of that aside, I am so excited to be linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for Friday Favorites and April from A. Liz Adventures for 5 on Friday! Let's end this week on a great note, shall we?!

I have to give someone very special to me, some much deserved credit. This week has been....interesting...haha and I have to thank my husband Jim for being there for me every step of the way. I am so lucky to have someone love me so unconditionally, and it is such a comforting feeling knowing he will always be there for me. He gets major props this week. He also hand-washed my car-- so there's that as well :) 

A little more than a week and we will be on our way to DISNEY!!! This much anticipated trip is such a welcomed break for both my husband and I. I can't wait to just step away from responsibilities for a week and enjoy the magic of Disney :) 

 I am so excited to see Spring colors in clothing stores! It has been way too long-- I need to see some bright colors out there!While I honestly don't think I could pull them off (nor am I brave enough), I am loving these pant options from Old Navy: 
Old Navy
Old Navy
Old Navy
Womens The Pixie Ankle PantsWomens The Pixie Ankle Pants

Softball season has officially started :) I don't play anymore, but sister number four (Jocelyn) plays softball for her high school team. I absolutely love watching softball-- it is such a fun, springtime sport. It's active, intense (most of the time), and most of all I love supporting my sister :)

This week, I was actually able to wear capris, roll my windows down, and feel the warmth of the sun. I have to remember the simple things in life, and being able to enjoy Spring is something to celebrate. 

"Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat."

I hope you all had a great week! Don't worry! I will be up and running next week :) 

Friday Favorites!

Friday, April 10, 2015


Today, I am linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals and April from A Liz Adventures for Friday Favorites and 5 on Friday. 

This week our Spanish club is participating in a fundraiser known as The Pulsera Project, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate, empower, and connect Nicaraguan youth with U.S. students. Each bracelet is individual and made by the Nicaraguan youth, who benefit from the sale of those bracelets. The project also focuses on international service opportunities. It is a great project, and I would highly recommend checking out their website. Their mission is commendable.  


I am so excited to be seeing my college friends tomorrow! Although I saw them in December for my wedding, as you all know, when you are the bride you are constantly running around saying hi, dancing, trying to eat your food, cutting your cake, taking pictures, and trying to finish saying hi! Unfortunately, there just wasn't enough time to just stop and have a nice (uninterrupted) conversation with family/friends. So, tomorrow is when I get to have that nice conversation! I am excited to catch-up with everyone, and I am most excited about meeting my friend's baby girl Norah :). 

I will FINALLY be able to finish a book I have started reading weeks ago: The Fault in Our Stars. Yes- I am very late to this party, but I love the book just the same. If I was a teenager growing up today, I would certainly be reading every single John Green book.


I am loving the new show on TLC called "Bride by Design." I love shows that you can watch out of order, and shows where you can miss one episode and not be  lost. This show is about a Wedding Dress designer who custom designs and makes wedding dresses for her clients. The dresses are so unique and personal. This girl is so creative it blows my mind! I wish I had half the talent she has! 

I am SO glad it's Friday! 

Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive :: Free Printable

Hope you all have a great Friday and weekend! 

Thoughts for Thursday

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Hello everyone :) I am sorry I have been MIA a little bit this week. I am battling an awful cold (yes in April..ugh) and I have been exhausted. It has been 5 days, and I am hoping (fingers crossed) that I am seeing the end of it soon. I told my students today that I didn't have time to be sick! And sometimes, I feel like I don't. To be honest, I probably should have taken a sick day, but tomorrow's Friday so that keeps me going! 

Enough complaining on my end... today I am linking up with Home of Malones and East Coast Chic for Thoughts for Thursday. 

Thoughts for Thursday

  • I am so READY for warm weather and baseball season. I absolutely love baseball-- particularly the Red Sox. And yes, I love them even when they aren't doing so great haha. Spring in the Boston area can be a hit or miss (a miss right now-- we had snow last night), but when it's warm and sunny there is nothing like it. It just instantly makes me think of baseball. 
  • I am obsessed with Married at 1st Sight. What an interesting, and very scary concept! In this show, couples meet the day of their wedding. They are married for 6 weeks, and at the end of the 6 weeks they have to decide whether or not they will stay married. Their 6 week journey is documented, and their interactions are very intriguing to watch. 
  • My husband showed me the following video and I absolutely love the sound! If you are familiar with American Idol, you might recognize Casey and Haley! 

  • We are two short weeks away from our April vacation, and our honeymoon! I can't wait! :) 
  • I can't wait to start planning our kitchen re-model. We aren't doing anything dramatic per say. We are lucky in that the changes we are making are cosmetic. Regardless, I can't wait to document the transformation. 
That's it on my end :) Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday, am I right? 

Show and Tell Tuesdays: Favorite Vacation Ever

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Today, I am linking up with Momfessionals for Show and Tell Tuesdays: Favorite Vacation Ever! 

It was hard to narrow down my favorite vacation! Since I had just shared about my mini-moon not too long ago, and because our actual honeymoon is in three short weeks (eek!), I have decided to share with you my favorite vacation ever with my family. In 2010, my parents and sisters, my grandparents, my cousins and my aunt (total: 15 people) traveled to Disney World. I am so lucky that I am so close to my family, and we had an absolutely amazing time! Who else can say they traveled in such a pack?! 

Yes, I know it wasn't anything fancy, or tropical, or international (aside from Epcot-- if that counts?!), but it was perfect for us. 

Yes I mostly took pictures of people.....haha..terrible habit of mine! 

When we are all old and gray, I hope that we look back on these times with fondness. Actually, I know that we will :). 

Weekending.... A Tad Late ;)

Monday, April 6, 2015

So I am going to blame this sickness that I have had for the past two weeks on why I am so late on this post! I am sorry everyone :)! I am linking up with Champagne and Suburbs and B Loved Boston for Weekending....

  • After a very lonnggg week, I was just glad to get home Friday by 3 pm and put my pajamas on. Honestly, is there a better Friday afternoon?! I think not haha. Friday night was spent RELAXING and literally not doing anything but eating and watching movies. Probably my favorite type of Friday night. 

  • Saturday was spent running errands in the morning/early afternoon and also heading to our favorite place for lunch (Bedford Village Inn). The BVI is also where my husband and I had our wedding reception, so it will always be one of our favorite places. 
  • Saturday night was spent celebrating my dad and my cousin's confirmation into our faith. Although the mass is long (about two and a half hours) it is such a peaceful and enjoyable Easter mass. While I love Easter Sunday with its jubilation and excitement, there is truly something special about the Easter Vigil. 

  • Easter Sunday was spent finding eggs at my parents house. My uncle has hid eggs for us as long as I can remember, and I just don't think he can let it go yet! Even though we are all older, he still finds so much happiness and joy in hiding the eggs for us-- and you know what-- I'll take it. Free candy? Umm sure I will search for eggs for candy haha. 
  • We then went to my grandparents house for linner (what we like to call a mix between lunch and dinner). Sunday night, Jim and I  hunkered down at home for the rest of the night and just watched T.V. 

All in all, not a bad weekend! Are you all ready for the week?! I'm still not sure that I am haha. Until next time! 

Friday Favorites!

Friday, April 3, 2015


We made it through another week everyone :)! Trust me-- I am not wishing away the weeks, but this week felt especially long. Today, I am linking up Andrea from Momfessionals and April from A. Liz Adventures  for Friday Favorites and 5 on Friday.

This week was the first time since the Fall that I could actually drive with my windows down! Those who have ever experienced Winter in New England know that it is long. So very long. When we finally get a nice day, especially during "Spring," we must take full advantage of it!
Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography at

My husband is finally home after being gone on a business trip :) I am very happy to have him home!

This Easter is a very special one as my dad and my cousin are being confirmed in the church and becoming full members of the community this Saturday during Easter Vigil. It is a very special time, and I am looking forward to spending it with family.

My husband and I received our Disney Magic Bands this week, and we are so excited for our Disney Trip! Our honeymoon is only three weeks away! :)

My students have all worked extremely hard this week on a research project-- as a teacher, there is nothing more that I could ask for! In addition, my students have been engaged and interested in our DNA technology and Genetics unit and I couldn't be happier! Their curiosity never ceases to amaze me.

Well, that's it for this Friday :) I hope you all have a great weekend :)!

Inspiration Wednesday

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I am not crafty. I don't know how to sew (although I tell myself that I could probably figure it out), I don't know how to knit, but I did learn how to crochet once. If you ask me how to do it now, I would most certainly tangle the yarn. I can't really draw or sketch that well. I have never refinished any pieces of furniture, or made a product from scratch. I have put together quite a few bookshelves from Target, but I am not sure that those count haha. So why all of this self-deprecation? I am hoping to change all of this in the future! I am not going to lie. I don't like to take my time with things, especially creating something. If someone else can make what I need, I'm good! However, with a new house and a limited budget, I am quickly realizing that sometimes it is more cost effective to get something done yourself. But, if I am being completely honest, Pinterest scares the crap out of me! Everything looks so easy to do! I was reading through some favorite blogs of mine, and I feel as though everyone is a crafter?! Anyone else get that feeling? Or am I the only one that is craft challenged?! Whatever the truth is, I am CONSIDERING trying out the following crafts/DIY pieces from Pinterest:
Disclaimer, if I fail at this goal, I am fully prepared to look to Etsy for the desired product! :)

Gifts for Your Spouse - Part 2 - Newlywed Survival

love old windows!


I want to make this! DIY Furniture Plan from Inspired by Restoration Hardware's Sawhorse Trestle Desk, this easy to build version is doable by most any DIYer! Using standard off the shelf lumber, a premade project panel for the tabletop, you can build yourself a solid wood sawhorse desk for a fraction of retail costs! Full plans include everything you need to build for yourself.

If you craft, what is your advice for a novice crafter?! What would you suggest I start with first?! What are some of your most successful crafts?! Any advice/help/direction would be greatly appreciated :) 

As always, thank you for taking the time to read!