Elizabeth is the second oldest; we are almost three years apart. My mom constantly reminds me that she just didn't want me to be an only child. She wanted to give me at least one sibling so that I wouldn't be alone (mom-- you are definitely an overachiever ;)). Elizabeth is the heart of the family. She is the mediator (most of the time), the one who you can go to and just have a good cry with, the one who is just as obsessed with The Bachelor as I am (although she wasn't a huge fan of Farmer Chris-- which made us all laugh even more than we usually do), the one who you can go to with a problem or just to vent. Elizabeth is very close in age with my sister Sarah; Elizabeth was a year and nine months when she was born. Elizabeth always jokes that she wasn't ever the baby of the family. She claims that every one else had their time as the baby but her. Although it is a slightly dramatic statement (haha sorry Elizabeth), it is true. She did grow up quickly, and did take on that role of "big sister" early on.
Elizabeth and Sarah-- notice the juice box :)
Elizabeth has even taken on that "big sister" responsibility with me too. Anytime I need someone to talk to, text real quick, I know that I can turn to her. She has so much love for all of our family, it is immeasurable. If I am honest with myself, there are many times where I have been jealous of Elizabeth (in a positive way). She has such a calming demeanor and presence. She has this way of making everyone feel comfortable and safe. She is understanding and forgiving (sometimes to a fault). I of course need to work on this! She always has a beautiful and genuine smile on her face, and is the best person to share exciting news with. She is also one of the best to share difficult news with-- she has a way of making you feel like everything is going to be okay.
Elizabeth knew early on in school that one day she wanted to become an elementary school teacher. She is probably one of the only people I know who did not change their mind growing up (I also was very jealous that she knew her career path early on). She is a teacher that I wish I had had growing up. I can imagine that she lights up a classroom like she lights up a room. Any student would be lucky to have her. Not only does Elizabeth have a great general personality, but she is also a hard worker. She worked extremely hard in college and is always willing to improve her skills. She has a passion for learning, which I think also contributes to her success in the classroom.
Elizabeth has always been the "popular, " well-liked and admired one in school, with our family, and even family friends. She is the person you gravitate towards-- warm, bubbly, full of personality, and full of life. Unfortunately, throughout the years, people have taken advantage of her sweetness and generosity. I don't know if it is because they were jealous, but some of her friends started to shut her out and make plans without her in college. She started dating Mario (her husband), and she came home to visit a lot, so I think her friends decided to move forward (in some aspect) without her. Elizabeth was/is not a partier, but she does like to have fun. Not being invited hurt her, and it was hard for me to restrain myself from lashing out at all of her "friends." While it is true she would have rather stayed in watching a movie with our family/Mario, she also craved friends and companionship. It is unfortunate that they couldn't really find a middle ground, but sometimes you have to move on. While you can't choose your family, you can choose your family to be your friends. She really is one of my best friends, and I hope I have given her the support she has needed all of these years.
We have had so much fun together over the years. She is the one (along with Sarah) that has forced me to have fun during the really trying and difficult times in my life. I am serious,Type A, neurotic, and stressed much of the time and she certainly balances that out. She is the one that tells me I deserve a break (right when I need one), and that I deserve to just relax for a bit. Advice-giver is another attribute to add to her long list of noteworthy characteristics.
Elizabeth was the type of person that always had a boyfriend :). Elementary, junior high, high school, and college. There was rarely a time where she didn't have a significant other. I still tease her about this-- probably because I am the one that NEVER had a boyfriend during those times haha. However, I knew that she had met someone special when she talked about meeting Mario. They met on July 4, 2009, and have been inseparable since. They are perfect for each other. Yes- I know that statement is cliche. But, if you met the two of them, you would know that it is true. They are sensitive to each other's needs, sensitive to each other's flaws (for the most part haha),and know each other extremely well. Anyone who sees them together can see the most amazing love between two people. I am so glad that she has found someone who truly appreciates how amazing she is. She loves unconditionally, and is not afraid to show that love.
When I got engaged, I already knew who my Maid of Honor was going to be: Elizabeth. My mother, the smart woman she is :), decided to choose our Maids of Honors for us. With five girls, she didn't want any issues or animosity over who would be a part of our wedding. My Maid of Honor was Elizabeth, Elizabeth's Maid of Honor was Sarah, Sarah's Maid of Honor will be me, and Jocelyn and Nicole will be each other's. It is pure genius, and did eliminate some of the common problems with choosing a Maid of Honor. Regardless, I was glad to have all my sisters and my two closest cousins next to me when I said my vows to Jim. Elizabeth was amazing. She gave me support when I needed it, helped me make important decisions, and provided me with clarity when I unsure about a vendor or aspect of the wedding. This was quite extraordinary since the majority of the time she was also trying to plan her own wedding! I am so lucky to have had her by my side not only throughout the planning process, but throughout life. We have been through a lot together, and I wouldn't trade any moment or event I have shared with her.
We have both settled into our married life, but the memories I have growing up with Elizabeth will always be in my heart. I can't wait for what the future holds for us. I can't wait until we have little families of our own-- she is going to be a great and loving mother and aunt. Love you Elizabeth!
I hope you have enjoyed this series-- only one more left!
Happy almost Friday everyone :)
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