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Sister Spotlight: Nicole

Thursday, March 5, 2015

In honor of her cheerleading competition (and Jocelyn's) this Sunday, I have decided to introduce my sister Nicole to you all :) She is the youngest of the five girls, which I am sure is not easy! Nicole and I are called "the bookends," I am the oldest and she is the youngest, we both have blue eyes, and up until a few years ago, we looked very much alike. I was in junior high when my mom had Nicole, and I remember the day I told my friends my parents had another girl. Two of my friends are only children (I am still close to them today) and one of them felt bad for me (another sibling?!), and one was completely jealous of my situation. The latter still jokes with me today about how she wishes my family could adopt her! We would in a heartbeat haha--but she has awesome parents!

When my mom had Nicole, we all were surprised that it was a girl. All of the "tests" and wives-tales pointed to a boy! Everything! As a baby, Nicole was a mamma's girl. She always wanted to be near my mom, all of the time. She also was a night-owl. I remember that she used to stay up until about 10/11 some nights, but would sleep through the night until about 7 or 8. She still likes to sleep in, but I think she also appreciates her sleep now haha. She also was a stress sleeper-- if there were situations that she found stressful, she would just fall asleep. At church-- when she knew she had to be quiet and couldn't really move, she fell asleep. When we went out for anything, again she fell asleep. She was completely adorable, big blue eyes and all.

 I can't imagine my family without Nicole- she completes us. She was such a blessing and even though we are 13 years apart, we are closer than I could have ever imagined. Yes we fight-- we are so similar it is hard not to! We can get into heated arguments-- mostly petty (yes I am 27 and I still get into these kinds of fights haha)-- but at the end of the day, we have a bond that is unlike any other.

I was actually afraid that we wouldn't be close. It wasn't just the age difference (although that played a role), but it was the fact that we would always be at different points in our lives. When I was a freshman in college, Nicole went into kindergarten! At that age, she didn't realize understand the concept of "college." When I came home to visit, she wouldn't talk to me. I was hurt and confused- and then I realized that she was also hurt and confused. She wasn't use to me being away from home, so when I came back, she knew I was going to be leaving again and didn't want to get attached to me. It took until about Thanksgiving for her to understand that although I wasn't always around, I would always be back to visit. Although we might be at different stages (when she is in college, hopefully I will children), I know that we are connected. We will always be able to talk to each other, help each other, and be there for each other. Our age difference won't matter.

Flash forward a few years from kindergarten, and I can't believe how much she has grown and matured. Besides the obvious fact that she is drop dead gorgeous, she is also extremely smart, loving, funny, and sassy (really sassy right now haha). She cares deeply for her family, and is a great person to have on your side (she will fight for you!!). She has a soft spot for those in need, and her compassion is heart-warming. I can't wait for my future children to spend time with her (while she babysits of course haha-- thanks in advance!!). She is amazing with our nephew William-- so gentle, fun, and attentive. Even though she is the "baby" of the family, she certainly does not act as such (all of the time I mean). She does have her moments of realizing that next year she will be the only daughter left at home, but for the most part, she is enjoying her time with Jocelyn.

High school can be challenging: friends, classes, and sports. I am so proud of her for maintaining her integrity, morals, and values. It hasn't been easy-- she has had to switch a few friends around because of certain situations, but I try to remind her that it is about quality not quantity. Girls can be mean and petty in high school, but if you are lucky enough, you might leave with some of the best friends you will ever have. Even though she is a cheerleader, Nicole can be shy and reserved. I so hope that by the end of high school, she breaks out of her shell. She needs to know that she is a bright, shining star, and those that meet her are the lucky ones. I honestly don't know what I would do without her-- I definitely would not laugh as much!

One unique aspect is Nicole's bond with my husband Jim. She ADORES him-- she even wrote a speech for our wedding (it was amazing and I definitely shed a few tears). It is so wonderful to see this great bond--- he is like her older brother/second father. She asks for his advice, she trusts him, and she respects his opinion. When she needs someone to talk to, she will typically contact him. Yes- sometimes I am jealous she texts him more than she texts me haha. But for the most part, I think that it is sweet. I am so glad that he supports her. 

She, unfortunately, was there first hand during my terrible break up four years ago. She was only in elementary school, but she was there for me. She gave me hugs, she talked to me, and she listened. Looking back now, I feel terrible! I feel terrible for putting her through that. However, I am so glad that she has witnessed true love between my husband and I. I am so glad that I can be a role model for her, and show her that true love is worth everything. When you find someone that treats you well and with respect, that shows you love each and every single day, you shouldn't let them go. I am also glad that my husband has been such an amazing role model for her. He has shown her what it means to be a true friend, husband, and brother.  

Trust me though-- they have their own shenanigans and their own inside jokes-- you have to have fun too! 

Nicole you are an amazing person, and you have a personality like no other! I love you dearly, and I cannot wait for what the future holds. 

Thanks for stopping by everyone! Hope you enjoyed today's post! You can find my first sister spotlight here!   

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