Happy Monday everyone :) I am linking up with B Loved Boston and Champagne and Suburbs for Weekending... I apologize in advance for missing Friday Favorites/5 on Friday. It was the first week of school last week and it kicked my butt! After school Thursday and Friday I was so tired, I actually napped for a little bit when I got home! I haven't napped since the first few weeks of 1st trimester. ( I also napped on Saturday but we will get to that in a moment haha). I am hoping that it is just a phase, and that once I get back into the routine of school I will be all set. (Fingers crossed).
- After a busy week of school, I was very happy to go home and relax! I had a much needed nap, and afterwards I was refreshed enough to walk around the neighborhood, getting back into my workout routine. I have found that doing different workouts each day keeps me motivated and also allows me to work on different muscles. I will typically walk a couple days a week, follow along to a yoga video a few times a week, and I've been trying some pregnant Barre workouts that have been challenging, but not overwhelmingly so.
- Once my husband got home, we had delicious pizza and decided to try watching a new show called "Mr. Robot." It has gotten some pretty good reviews, and I have to say I was very intrigued by the concept. The main character works for a software cyber security company, and is a brillant programmer. Outside the officer, however, he is a hacker vigiliante of sorts who tries to bring "justice" to those abusing certain powers. His double life comes to a head when he considers hacking into a company he is supposed to be protecting. It is thrilling and intense, and there are many surprises (even in just the first few episodes). If you watch it-- let me know what you think!
- Saturday while my husband was bringing our dog to the vet-- she had been having quite a few accidents around the house so we wanted to make sure it wasn't anything serious (just a UTI)-- I cleaned the house and washed the floors. Man is that hard work! Anyone who says cleaning is not exercise, have them come talk to me haha. Although it took a while, I love a clean house. It was so worth it!
- Once our projects around the house were complete, my husband and I decided to get brunch at the place where we got married, The Bedford Village Inn tavern. My husband got their chicken and waffles (which was delicious), and I had eggs, homefries, sausage, toast and pastries. To say we were full afterwards would be an understatement :)
- After eating those carbs, we headed to my husband's favorite place, Lowes to pick up some more blides for our house. We are desperately trying to get ready for baby :) small steps, small steps.
- When we got home from our excursion, I was EXHAUSTED! Is the third trimester supposed to be exhausting?! I had so much energy in the second trimester that I just assumed it would carry me through to the end! I decided to lay down for a "few minutes," which then turned into a two hour nap. Yes- two hour nap. And I had slept great the night before. Oy what am I in for now?!
- Saturday night, when I finally arose from my slumber, we picked up my youngest sister Nicole (she is 15) to go to the mall and mini-golfing. It was so funny to experience shopping with my husband and my sister. Nicole wanted a new dress for school, so while I went into the various stores with her, my husband waited patiently outside the store playing games on his iPhone :) I warned him that if we have a girl, he might be in the same boat a few years from now haha.
- While at the mall, we obviously had to stop by Yankee Candle and sample all of their fall scents. We were in need of some new candles, and of course they were having a deal!
Here are the scents I am loving (and currently burning in my house haha):
- After shopping, we met up with my sister Sarah and her boyfriend to go mini-golfing. We had so much fun, although it was not without incident. On hole 16, I accidentally hit my ball into the water. It was hard for me to bend over to get it, so my sister Sarah offered to get it. She got it, but when she went to go back up towards the green, she tripped over a ledge and fell flat on her face. I wish I could say we were the only people who saw it, but as I looked around, everyone at the driving range was staring, trying not to laugh. I lost it. My husband lost it. Nicole lost it. We just started laughing-- yes I made sure she was okay-- but it was so funny. Pregnancy and laughter is a funny thing-- many of you who have been pregnant know what I mean. I laughed so hard that I started to, well, go to the bathroom. Thankfully not completely, but I swear if I hadn't focused, it would have been a big stream. It is never dull with us.
- We celebrated our incidence with ice cream, and can now file the story away as one of Sarah's most embarrassing moments :)
- Sunday was filled with church, house chores, and enjoying the last pool day of the summer :( While I am ready for the fall, I am not quite ready to let summer go. There is a calmness about summer that is unmatched by any other season. Fall is busy, exciting, fresh, crisp, and new, and while I am certainly ready for all it brings, summer has been great this year. I hope you were able to enjoy a great weekend with your friends and loved ones!
Here goes nothing!