Happy Friday friends :) Today, I am linking up with Momfessionals, A Little Bit of Everything, and Grace and Love for Friday Favorites, but also A. Liz Adventures, Carolina Charm, Hello! Happiness, and The Good Life for 5 on Friday.
If you have been following my pregnancy journey, you know that during our 19/20 week ultra-sound, the technician wasn't able to get a good picture of the spine. Baby was napping and did not want to be disturbed! No amount of jumping jacks, stretching or movement on my part could persuade the baby to switch positions. I have to admit that when I received the phone call and email to schedule another ultra sound, I was scared. Deep down I knew that having the additional ultra-sound didn't necessarily mean that there was a problem. However, as most people know me to be, I am a realist and I wanted to prepare myself. In addition to the second ultra-sound, the doctor also suggested that I take the AFP blood test, which would also rate the risk for a spinal issue/neural tube defect. Again, while the scientist in me understood the additional testing, the first-time mom in me totally freaked out. When you are pregnant for the first time, everything is new and unfamiliar and that can be a very scary thing. Nothing is "normal" because you haven't experienced anything like this before. Sure, you know people who are pregnant, but it is definitely different when it happens to your own body. It is different when you are receiving the calls. Fast-forward to this week, and my husband and I attended the second ultra-sound. I also had the AFP blood test done. The results of both show it is unlikely that the baby has a neural tube defect. Now while there is still a risk (there is always a risk I suppose), the results have given me some peace.
Although favorite two is connected to favorite one, I needed to include it! My second favorite of this week was actually having the second ultra-sound. I realized today, a day after my second ultra-sound, how much of a blessing it really was. My husband and I got to look at our precious baby again. In this respect, I know that I am a lucky person. There is nothing like seeing your baby on the screen, seeing the heart beat, the tiny feet and toes, precious nose, and cute little mouth.
My sister Nicole introduced me to a company named Divinity LA. It is an online jewelry store that sells unique bracelets made with semi-precious stones from around the world. What makes this company so special in my opinion is the fact that each bracelet has a unique meaning, and is directly connected to a special cause. For example, The Sea Turtle bracelet is meant to promote "creativity and mental clarity." $1 from each sale goes to the Sea Turtle Conservatory.
I am really starting to put our baby registry together, and I have found some extremely helpful websites including:
- Baby List Baby Registry
- Lucie's List
- Buy Buy Baby (specifically the baby registry checklist)
- The Bump-- registry checklist
This weekend, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law are hosting my husband's family for their annual fish fry! It is a fun, summer celebration where the whole family gets together and eats seafood :) umm..........yes please! I am so excited not only for the food, but to see everyone and to enjoy their beautiful pool :) Can't get much more summer than that!
I hope you all have a great weekend :) I can't believe next week will be the last week of July-- the summer is going by so quickly! I can't believe I will be heading back to school so soon! I feel as though I just got out. It's a good thing I like the Fall :)
Glad that your test results turned out okay!! Have fun at your fish fry :)
I'm glad to hear that your test results turned out well. That must have been a huge relief.