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Pregnancy Update-- Week 20

Thursday, July 23, 2015

How far along? 20 weeks, 4 days

Size of baby: A mango (6.5 in, 10 oz)

Total weight gain: About 10 pounds now. 

Maternity clothes: Yes! It is hard to hide the bump now :)

Sleep: I have been sleeping great this week-- although I need multiple fans on in the bedroom to be comfortable. 

Best moment of the week: Having the additional ultra sound this week-- so far everything looks good but I will know for sure in about a week or so.  

Movement: Still only that one time, but I am trying to really focus and take the time to rest. Being on my feet from the time I get up until the time I go to bed doesn't help! I think that may be why I am having a hard time feeling the movement-- I am on the go so much myself. 

Miss anything? Not really missing anything this week :)  

Food cravings:  Carbs. Any type. Fruit, vegetables, grains. I just want them all haha. 

Food aversions:  No real aversions right now. 

Symptoms I have:  Sadly bloating and constipation (both very common symptoms). I am also noticing that my fingers and toes are starting to bloat (not just my stomach haha). My back has also started to bother me a little bit-- typically right when I get up. As the day progresses, it doesn't bother me as much.

Gender Predictions: Still thinking a girl :) 

Looking forward to: Feeling the baby more, and learning of the final results of the lab work and ultra sound.  

Thanks for following along in my journey! 

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